Monday, February 17, 2014

The Agonizing Wait for...

            Before anyone gets too excited, no, I'm not currently pregnant. (That I'm aware of.) This is my test from when I found out I was pregnant with Myka. Sorry to burst any bubbles out there.
            However, I wouldn't say we're actively trying to have another baby, but we're not exactly doing anything to prevent it. We're taking the "whatever happens, happens" approach for now. I had a weird feeling all last month that something would happen, though, so now it's like some breaking news story in my brain: Pregnancy Watch 2014. If that made any sense. For me, though, things aren't easy in the baby making department.
            It took us over 3 years to have Myka with no medical intervention of any sort. I have had issues with my cycle ever since my husband and I got together. (No, really. Pretty much to the month. Odd coincidence, huh?) Things were functioning properly, if you will, right after I had Myka for the first few months. Then they got all crazy again. I tried my usual "Aunt Flo Regulating Tea" remedy, which normally works, to no avail. I finally gave in and went to my gyno.
            She gave me a prescription for synthetic hormones (yippy skippy), of course, but I didn't argue. I just wanted to get things back to normal again. Well, I stopped taking them in December and had 2 cycles within a week of each other. (Flipping really?!) I was hoping the second one was my "real" period and not a chemical induced one and that things were getting back to normal.
            Today is the 10th (I write almost all of my posts in advance about a week ahead of time, if you didn't know.) and Aunt Flo was supposed to be here 5 days ago. I made myself wait until today to take a pregnancy test. I didn't expect it to be positive (but was still hoping) because I'm a Negative Nancy like that, and of course it wasn't. It was about a week or two after I was supposed to get a monthly visit that I got a positive test with Myka, so maybe I'll take another one in a week or so.
            Until then, I'm going to try not to get my hopes up. Sorry for all of the personal info. I hadn't originally meant for this post to take the direction that it did, but I've noticed that about myself when blogging and writing in general: My posts and writing tend to get a mind of their own and write themselves. Moral of my story: Is waiting to take a pregnancy test when you really want a baby not the most agonizing thing in the world? Maybe I'm just too impatient for my own good. It's always disappointing when you get a negative, but it's almost a relief to finally know one way or the other. Maybe it's just me.
            Have any of you gone through something similar? How long did it take you to get pregnant? Are you still trying? I'd love to hear from you!


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