Wednesday, October 28, 2015

This Week in Pictures-10/28

             Hey folks! We have still been busy, busy, busy around here! Last Wednesday I had my last “every 4 weeks” checkups for baby #2 (aka Starfish) and, unfortunately, have to go for the 3 hour glucose test tomorrow AND have another ultrasound at my regular appointment next week because I'm “measuring big”. -_- More on that in a different post, though.
             I'm really bummed, but also kind of relieved, that I had to cancel the craft playdate I was hosting yesterday. I feel like I've been playing a game of catch up and need more time. It's still kind of irritating, though, because I plan mine a couple of weeks in advance and of course it would rain the ONE DAY, right? On top of that, it just feels like nothing is going “right” this week. But, here are some highlights of the week...

             The best part by far was our photography playdate last Friday. It was so pretty at the lake we went to. It's amazing I was even able to get any pictures at all because Myka and her little friend decided a brisk hike on one of the trails was a good idea. ;) These are my favorite pictures above.

             This one just because. I love all of the fall colors and am sad to see them going already. What's up with the wind lately?! Maybe I'm still just used to living in Arkansas. ;)

             We tried to work on some little projects this weekend, one of them being the fire pit. As you can see, at least one of the cats is always close at hand to help.
             Thanks for stopping by! I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween, however you may celebrate it. :) See you next week!

Stocking Stuffer Giveaway

Stocking Stuffer Giveaway 
Hosted By
Amy & Aron's Real LIfe Reviews

1 Lucky Winner
$430+ in Prizes

10/28 to 11/11
Open to US 

One Lucky Winners will receive their very own 
Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Pack (ARV $430+)

Sponsors for this awesome giveaway include:

Joe Journeyman
Teeny Mates
Giants in the Land
Del Sol

Thank you so much to all of the bloggers participating in this giveaway. Without you, it wouldn't be quite as exciting or get so big, I appreciate you!

Now for the fun stuff. This giveaway is open to US. There are daily bonus entries for sharing this giveaway on your social media channels.
 I can't ask you to "Like" our pages but, if you A see something you like, let us know so we can bring you more of it. 
We LOVE it when you "LIKE" our pages. 

Thank you for taking the time out to enter into the giveaway. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews at 

Winner will receive the  prize directly from the participating companies. None of the Bloggers Participating in this giveaway are responsible for shipping the prize. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

4th Annual Halloween with Hyland's Costume Contest

            Hey folks! Who doesn't love a fun contest with the chance to win prizes AND getting to show off their (or their children's) awesome Halloween costume!? Hyland's is bringing you just such an opportunity with their 4th Annual Halloween with Hyland's Costume Contest!

            As you can see above, THREE lucky winners will win an assortment of Hyland's products as well as a $50 Target gift card. Hyland's products include:
Hyland’s Baby Nighttime Teething Tablets 
Hyland’s Baby Nighttime Tiny Cold Syrup 
Hyland’s 4 Kids Cold n Cough 
Hyland’s 4 Kids Cold n Cough Nighttime 
Hyland’s 4 Kids Bumps n Bruises 
Hyland’s Nerve Tonic
Hyland’s Calms Forte

            So, how do you enter? A few ways, so you can choose whatever is most convenient for you! You can:
-Enter by clicking here OR
-Post your photo entry on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #HylandsHalloweenCostumeContest

             Easy peasy, right?! The contest begins TODAY, October 27th, 2015 at 9:01AM Pacific Time (12:01PM EST) and ends on November 3rd, 2015 at 11:59PM PACIFIC TIME (2:59AM EST, November 4th). Please note that you must be the legal guardian of a child to enter his/her photo. Below are some things to keep in mind when taking or deciding which photo you would like to submit for the contest. Entries will be judged on:

-Adherence to the Halloween theme (35%)
-Originality of costume (details, creativity) (35%)
-Creativity of photo caption (15%)
-Quality of the photo (lighting, focus, etc.) (15%)

             So, when you're out there enjoying the Halloween-related festivities, whether that be trick-or-treating, a costume party, etc., don't forget to get a good photo of your costume to enter for a chance to win Hyland's goodies and a Target gift card! Good luck!

Disclaimer: I am a Hyland’s Homeopathy Ambassador and receive various products and gift cards from Hyland’s and promotional partners at no cost to me. All views and opinions expressed on this blog post and corresponding social network mentions are my own and are not to be interpreted as medical advice.

Monday, October 26, 2015

"A Cold White Fear" Book Review

            Hey folks! As promised, I've got another great book to share with you today! I don't know about you, but I'm always up for a good thriller novel, especially in the winter. I particularly enjoy ones that happen to be set in the cold, snowy winter also. It just seems to make the suspense that much greater since escape is inevitably harder! So, buckle up and let me tell you about the newest thriller of this sort I had the opportunity to review!
             In A Cold White Fear, by R.J. Harlick, we find a woman named Meg making preparations for a big family get-together for Christmas. All alone in the Canadian wilderness (except for her 12 year old Algonquin friend Jid, who is like a son), trouble quickly arises when two uninvited visitors show up at her doorstep during a blizzard. With one man badly injured in a supposed car accident, how can she possibly turn them away?
             It doesn't take Meg long to realize all is not as it seems with the two men. The larger, intimidating man with snake tattoos all over his upper body is very...demanding of her, especially considering she was nice enough to let them into her home. Upon further inspection of the injured man's wounds, it's obvious that he didn't get stabbed by something inside the car during their wreck, but his injuries are in fact from a gunshot wound!
             Though Professor, as the tattooed man goes by, follows her around like a puppy as she tries to gather supplies for the injured man, Meg manages to alert Jid, who she told to wait outside on the back porch as soon as she let the strange men in, to go back to his home on the nearby Algonquin reservation and alert the police chief there of trouble.
             Meg keeps a mental timer of how long it should take for the boy to reach the authorities and receive help, but things escalate once she learns new information about exactly why the two men are there. She makes her own attempt at escaping, but things go from bad to worse when she finds that Jid has been captured by an apparent accomplice of the two men in her house who is even more dangerous and menacing than the Professor. Will she be able to save herself and the young boy before time runs out?
             If you're looking for a thriller that will suck you into the story right away, you will definitely want to check out A Cold White Fear, available November 7 from Dundurn Publications.

Disclaimer: I received a free advanced copy of this book through Netgalley for review purposes. No other compensation was received. My opinions of this title may differ from your own.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

This Week in Photos-10/21

             Hey folks! I figured this month would be busy, but wow! Not that I don't like our families, but I'm ready for a much needed break from visiting and relaxing this weekend by working on things around the house and yard. (Doesn't sound very relaxing, does it? I'm not one to sit around and do nothing, though!)
            Myka and I were pretty lazy Friday. I even let her stay in her pajamas most of the day. We did make some orange silly putty as I like to try and do hands on/science-y type things with her on Fridays now.

             We stayed overnight at my parents Saturday. Myka and I went to a birthday party that afternoon. Being spoiled as she is, she even got to open more presents for her own birthday last weekend from one of my aunts. Can you tell she's into the whole presents thing now? Lol

             We also went to the apple orchard/pumpkin patch Sunday, which was the whole idea behind the trip. Myka ended up being cantankerous and just wanted to ride the tractor around and some other people were grouchy too, so yah. Too soon.
             I thought we'd take advantage of the nice weather one day and go for a short walk down the road and try to take some pictures of the trees changing pretty colors. They weren't as good as I had hoped (no surprise), but I kind of liked this one of the railroad tracks next to our house.

Did you do anything exciting this weekend?
Wordless Wednesday Hop

Monday, October 19, 2015

"The No Nonsense Guide to Green Parenting" Book Review

             Hey folks! With the cold winter months ahead for many of us, staying indoors and curling up with a good book will sound more and more appealing. So, what better time of year to start doing some book reviews on the blog again!
             I've probably mentioned before that I much prefer reading fiction over non-fiction. Even a lot of the non-fiction books that appeal to me, I still have a hard time reading since they are meant to be educational more than entertaining. However, there are always exceptions and The No Nonsense Guide to Green Parenting recently piqued my interest.
             Normally, besides the whole aversion to non-fiction books in general, I'm especially put off by parenting books. I'm of the opinion that I should trust my instincts more than the opinion of some stranger who may or may not be qualified in “fill in the blank here” field. I am all about trying to be a green parent, though, so I gave this book a shot!
             I went into reading The No Nonsense Guide to Green Parenting assuming most of what I was about to read in it were things I already knew, such as alternative, chemical-free laundry detergents, using reusable diapers, making your own baby food, etc. etc. It is so much more than that! Truly. I was impressed. The author includes green ideas for aspects of life that I would never even have thought about “going green” with, such as birthday party décor and favors, as well as activities I just never would have thought to include children with, such as foraging for food out in the woods.
             Another great thing about this book is that it includes suggestions spanning the spectrum, from easy to incorporate into everyday life, such as foods and toys you're better off making yourself, to those that might take some more planning or commitment, such as making your backyard wildlife friendly with flowers and critter shelters. And, if you happen to live in the city, the author has graciously included tips for overcoming some of the unique obstacles that presents as well. There really IS something for everyone in this guide!
             If you're looking for some ideas on living a greener lifestyle with your kids that you will actually use, look no further than The No Nonsense Guide to Green Parenting by Kate Blincoe!

*Please note that this is written by an author from the United Kingdom. If you are American, you may be doing a lot of “Googling” and cross-referencing. ;)

Disclaimer: I received this book for review purposes through Netgalley. No other compensation was received and my opinions may differ from your own.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Woodland Friends Arts & Crafts Sewing Kit Giveaway

Woodland Friends Arts & Crafts Sewing Kit Giveaway
This Arts & Crafts Sewing Kit Offers Kids Hours of Artful Fun!
When looking for an arts and crafts project that will engage your kids, build their skills and provide hours of fun, look no further than this Woodland Animals Sewing Kit.
"Our sewing kits are designed to teach practical skills, while building confidence, friendship and self-esteem."
Kids adore these colorful woodland animals and are eager to follow-through and complete each project. ★ Each project offers hours of fun & skill-based learning for 7 to 12 year old girls and boys ★ Perfect for beginning sewers, with step-by-step instructions ★ Pre-cut felt and pre-punched holes allow for easy completion ★ All sewing accessories are included in a portable carry case for projects on the go ★ Kids make and learn about the animals that inhabit our forests: Fox, Owl, Bear, Rabbit & Chickadee
Dates: 10/17-10/31
Open to: US Residents 18+
Enter to win using the widget below. Good luck!


Disclosure: Mixed Bag Mama did not receive compensation for this post and is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

RoomLookz Giveaway

RoomLookz Package Giveaway
Sponsor: RoomLookz
Prize: RoomLookz package valued at up to $37.98 MSRP, winner can choose accessory over $19.99 and one other accessory, based on availability.
RoomLookz bedroom decorations and accessories make it easy to create a space that shows off your style. RoomLookz lets you further express yourself through new mix-and-match collections of wall décor, wall accessories, storage, desk accessories, and lighting.
Dates: 10/17-10/31
Open to: US Residents 18+
Enter to win using the widget below. Good luck!


Disclosure: Mixed Bag Mama did not receive compensation for this post and is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Homeschool Life: Apples & Letter "M"

             Hey folks! We've been all over the place with our school stuff lately. We've been doing apple crafts and activities lately since 1) We're taking Myka to the orchard soon for her birthday and 2) I wanted to wait until the leaves starting turning more before we started our autumn theme stuff. However, there was some major resistance (and still is) to a certain project that I thought she would love, so we laid off the apples for a bit and moved on to letter “M” because she always seems to like our letter activities.
             Lucky for her (and me), she got an extra break over the weekend since she spent it with my parents. (Not that we usually do “school stuff” on the weekends anyways.) Then Monday my husband's cold finally caught up to her, so that put a damper on things. I'm just glad she's feeling better before her birthday! No one wants to feel like crap on their birthday!
             Anywho, now that she's feeling better, we've been having some learning fun. We finished up with letter M by making a moose hat (which I made too big for Myka's head, so she insisted I wore it) and coloring our page instead of using the markers. Oh well. She's been very into us taking turns when working on things lately, so it provided an interesting opportunity to introduce her to what a pattern is. (Which, by the way, is harder than hell to explain to a 3 year old, imo. Lol)

             I'm trying to finish up with the apple fun by tomorrow (writing this on Thursday, 10/8) so we can move on to our fall stuff next week. I probably sound like I'm a lot more structured with this stuff than I really am, for the record. I try to stick to a theme for two weeks since we're doing some of the A Child's World curriculum as well and that's how it's structured, but other than that, I have learned two more valuable lessons this week. 1) Crafts at the kitchen table are NOT a good idea. I didn't even think about it until my husband brought it up: It doesn't matter what craft we're doing, she probably doesn't stay interested in it long there because it's harder for her to reach. Duh! 2) Setting a few choices out on her short table in the living room seems to go over well. She can pick what strikes her fancy the most at the time and we still end up doing everything eventually.

             As you can see, I may have went a little overboard on the whole apple thing. We've got a “sewn” apple (big hit), apple wreath, collage apple, and more. We even did a “cut to find the picture” apple page and two science experiments involving apples as well! O.o

             Don't worry. I'm not totally OCD. She has other fun, educational opportunities that aren't “theme” related too. (Not like she still doesn't watch movies too. :P) She actually wanted to revisit some activities from past themes in the curriculum this week, so she played with the carrot color matching game again (even though she totally cheats lol) and made more “tree faces” with some weird modeling dough we got for half off a long time ago. I actually let her play outside by herself (watching closely the whole time, of course) for about 45 minutes while she did that and other things. She did good about not wandering off! I also remembered to get my felt boards back out this week and made a few Halloween-themed pieces. Now I just need to work on making some story or nursery rhyme-related pieces for fun!

             So, while it may sound like we are busy constantly, we really aren't. We'll usually do a few educational activities a day (if that). Other than that we try to get outside at least once a day and Myka likes to help me with most household chores. And we do go to or host the occasional playdate. Ok. Maybe we do like to stay busy. ;) Now if you'll excuse me, the beast slumbers and I must start planning next week's fall activities. ;)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

This Week in Photos-10/14

             Hey folks! We have had a pretty busy week around here. I feel like I should have gotten more accomplished, but hey. At least we had fun and aren't sick any more, right?

             We finally got around to a little bit of “school stuff” at the end of last week. (More on school stuff in tomorrow's post!) I took some suggestions/ideas from people in a couple of my Facebook groups, which is how we ended up with fall colored pumpkin seeds. Myka had fun helping me shake the bags to dye them, though she hasn't played with them much yet. I also hid some little fall trinkets in playdough for her to find and she absolutely LOVED that. So much so I had to hide stuff three times. Lol

             We also re-opened our Etsy store this week. Yay! We have new bottles and pumps for our liquid soap, which hopefully work better than the old ones! I don't see how they can't. We are also adding a new Make-It-Yourself Face Mask Kit. Fun, right? You can see what else we have for sale at Cottage in the Woods Co.

             Myka turned three Sunday, so my in-laws were here for that. John and his dad got the power wheels that someone left behind and gave it a good wash. All it needed was a new battery, now it's good to go! She's still a little leery of it, though. Ha ha

             Last, but not least, we hosted another craft playdate at the park today. I was really happy with the turnout and I think everyone had a good time! However, it's all fun and games until someone falls down and gets a fat lip. :( (Does anyone else have a kid that seems to trip over their own feet all the time?) See ya next week!
Wordless Wednesday Hop

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Leona Made Body Butter Kit Giveaway

LEONA MADE Body Butter Kit Giveaway
NO HARSH CHEMICALS - Complete transparency with simple, raw and all natural ingredients, No silicones, parabens, dyes, phthalates, formaldehyde, PEG, petrochemicals MAKE BODY BUTTER IN UNDER AN HOUR - All the ingredients to make LUSCIOUS body butter in under an hour ORGANIC LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL - Your choice to scent the product to your liking
Hosted by:
Co-Hosted by:
Amy & Aron's250and
cropped-brown-writingSponsored by:
One Winner
Open to U.S. only
click here for my review
The winner will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or forfeits the prize. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media. All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment.All entries are optional. Void where prohibited by law.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Birthday on a Budget!

            Hey folks! I started this blog when my first daughter was only 3 months old. Now she's turning 3 YEARS old. Can you believe it?! This year we decided to do the low-key thing for her birthday. Last year we had the party with family and friends with all of the cutesie decorations, homemade cupcakes, and all that fun stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with those types of parties, but I think we'll wait until she's 4 or 5 before we do that again. I want her to be able to remember some of it if I'm going to go to all that trouble. ;)
             This year, since her birthday is in October and Myka loves picking apples so much, we'll be joining a few close relatives at a farm that has both u-pick apples and pumpkins. We decided we'd rather spend more money on an experience than a ton more stuff that she may or may not play with for very long. That being said, we did still buy her some presents because consumerism gets the best of all of us, but it mostly ended up being small, cheap things. (No customized unicorn stuffed animal this year. O.o) So, let's look at some ways you can save on your kids' birthdays this year...

*Don't be afraid to shop at dollar stores. (Don't even get me started on how much I love the Dollar Tree!) You can find some fun stuff there. I'll tell you what I snagged at ours below.

*Check the clearance aisles. Depending on what store you're at and where it's located, sometimes you can find a good deal and other times you wonder why they bothered moving an item from it's normal spot. Again, see below for what we found on sale at Tractor Supply Co.!

*Borrow from friends or family. Wait, what? Not necessarily the gifts themselves, but all the extra junk you need, such as wrapping paper or bags. Who doesn't have some extra of either of those laying around in a closet? Let's face it: Gift bags and wrapping paper are kind of expensive for what they are.

*Check out your local resale shops and/or join a Facebook group for your area where people buy and sell items they no longer want. More often than not, there are a lot of toys and clothes on there, most of which are in good or better condition for less than you would pay at the store.

*Do something fun together instead of buying more “stuff” that won't get played with or used, such as a trip to a children's museum or aquarium.

             So, what did we end up with? Admittedly, once I added everything up, we spent more than I thought BUT, we did splurge on a couple of things:

-Mini bottle of nail polish from the Dollar Store: $0.50
-Magnifying glass (DS): $0.50
-Lisa Frank stickers (DS): $1.00
-Fairy board book (DS): $1.00
-Doc McStuffins magic marker book (DS): $3.00
-Horse Webkinz (TSC): $3.89 (was $4.99)
-Chick & duck animal set (TSC): $1.99 (was 4.99)
-Cat Webkinz (Amazon): $5.99
-Rabbit Webkinz (Amazon): $14.99
-Minnie Mouse underwear (Amazon): $15.00 (roughly)
-2 rolls of wrapping paper (Dollar Tree): $2.00
-Happy Birthday sign (DT): $1.00

             That's a grand total of $50.86. Like I said, more than I had realized, but we did splurge on the rabbit and licensed character underwear. (Have I mentioned she has a slight obsession with stuffed animals?) If we hadn't splurged on those things the total would have only been $20. 87. Crazy, right?

             How are you when it comes to birthdays? Do you go all out or opt for something a little quieter?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gardening Spotlight: Cool Crops Update 10/8

            Hey folks! I thought I would share a little update on how our cool season crops are coming along. Again, we did not do anything special to the soil and, since we've only lived here for 2 months, this is our first time planting ANYTHING here. Let's look at some piccies...

            Well...While we planted everything at the end of August/beginning of September like most, if not all, of our plants is recommended, it's been warmer for longer than usual. So, I blame that on certain veggies not taking off better. As you can see on the right, our radishes have gone crazy and are doing just fine! We've already been picking those, actually, and have way more than we can eat since we got a little ahead of ourselves and didn't space our planting dates out. Oops. (There are also beets hiding behind the radishes. They are doing pretty good.)
            In the very middle our romaine is starting to get bigger finally. I could care less, but John and Myka will be happy to have romaine salads. :D We have a couple of spinach rows to the very left of the romaine...but I had just picked it for MY salad. lol (I also weeded not long after I took this. Yikes! Thanks a lot, rain!)
            Our carrots are finally starting to get bigger it seems. It's also been getting a LOT cooler over night, so maybe that is helping. John is planning on making a fence sometime soon (I think) because we've seen signs of wascally wabbits by the carrots.
            Other than that, our lettuce isn't really growing at all. We have a few small, sad little sprouts. That's it. :/ (Again, I'm not personally all that sad because I'm picky and only eat spinach salads. Speaking of which...)

            Here's where all the spinach went from the first picture! ;) I've not had radishes in a VERY long time (I don't think I've ever had white icicle ones), so it was a nice change to my salad. Spinach+grated parmesan+balsamic vinaigrette=yum!

            What are your favorite veggies to grow in the fall? What's your favorite way to eat a salad? Comment below!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#SmartMachines Giveaway

Smart Machines Giveaway #smartmachines #braincrunchtoys

10/07 to 10/21
Open to US 
Two Lucky Winners will each receive a Smart Machines Kit: 
One will receive a Green Kit
One will receive a Blue Kit

Each kit is $59.99 

This is a great package for anyone, perfect to start your Holiday Stash.

 You can see some the of Blogger Recommended Networks' members and what they have to say about Smart Machines Here:

Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews
IMHO Views Reviews & Giveaways
Candy Crush & Snowman Butts
Things in Review
Joyful Gifts By Julie

A very special thank you to my awesome co-hosts.

Thank you so much to all of the bloggers participating in this giveaway. Without you, it wouldn't be quite as exciting!

Now for the fun stuff. This giveaway is open to US. There are daily bonus entries for sharing this giveaway on your social media channels.
 I can't ask you to "Like" our pages but, if you see something you like, let us know so we can bring you more of it. 
We LOVE it when you LIKE our pages. 

Thank you for taking the time out to enter into the giveaway. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews at 

Winner will be mailed prize directly from the company. None of the bloggers participating in this giveaway are responsible for shipping the prize. Mixed Bag Mama was not compensated for this post. 

This Week in Photos-10/7

            Hey folks! I have to admit I've been bad about taking pictures of our goings-on this week, so I cheated and used some pictures from the previous week or two. I do have a few from this week that I'll either post next week or you can check out on my Instagram page.

Before jumping into our autumn theme stuff, we've been doing apple crafts and activities. Here's some apple oobleck we "make-uh da pie" with above. 

It finally cooled off enough the other weekend that I was finally able to let Myka play in the creek without getting swarmed by mosquitoes! Needless to say, she had lots of fun. Oh. And a random picture of the kittens being cute.

I finally (hopefully) finished my army of tp roll bat treat holders. I'm planning on handing them out at the last craft playdate I host before Halloween for our meetup group. I ended up making 17. O.o I hope that's enough! Also, since people are so weird about candy (myself included) and there are lots of younger kids who come, I'm thinking little trinkets from the Dollar Tree may be the way to go? Leave your ideas below in the comments!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Glow in the Dark Moon Craft

             Hey folks! Since we're still pretty lax in our homeschooling stuff, we just got around to letter “M” a few weeks ago. Instead of starting at the beginning of the alphabet in the fall like most people and schools do, we just picked up (after we moved) where we left off, which was around “K”.
             Anyways, Myka is a little obsessed (fascinated might be a better word?) with the moon and gets very excited whenever she sees it. So, we had to do a moon craft for the letter “M”, of course. I came across one on another blog I like getting ideas for activities and crafts from, but it wasn't really striking my fancy. Mostly because I didn't feel like having to go buy materials I didn't have for it. Lol I brainstormed what we could do instead and still be fun, then I remembered the paint we used on our paper plate jellyfish a few months ago is glow in the dark paint! And, because I thought Myka would like it and make our moon look even cooler, I even * gasp * broke out the craft herpes: glitter. Here's how it turned out and what you need to make your own!

             I was really pleased with how it turned out with the glitter and, most importantly, Myka seemed to enjoy making it. Besides working as a letter “M” craft, you could also use it during a moon or space unit or just because!

What You'll Need:

-paper plate
-q-tips (for spreading paint around, if you desire)
-glow in the dark paint (we happened to have the Tulip brand in the little squeeze tubes)
-glitter in whatever color(s) you want

*Tip: Don't use too much glitter, especially darker colors, otherwise you won't be able to see your glow in the dark paint in the dark! Also note that, depending on what type of glow in the dark paint you are using, it may take a few days for it to "charge". (aka Get enough light during the day that it actually glows when it's dark.)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Top 10 Scary Movie List for Halloween (Plus 4 Bonus Kids Movies)

            Happy October 1st, everyone! I'm sure I've mentioned in years past that this is my favorite time of year. What's not to love about cooler weather, changing leaves, and apple cider, am I right? It's been even more special the past 3 years since Myka's birthday is around the middle of October and she definitely enjoys the fall festivities as much as we do!
            One of the other things I love about this time of year is all of the scary movies that start showing on tv. Although we haven't had television since 2012, we still like to look up our favorite movies online and watch them. I am always up for new suggestions and love being reminded of movies I may have forgotten about too. So, if you're looking for some spooky movie suggestions yourself, you've come to the right place!

*Note: These are listed in no particular order of preference and may not necessarily be Halloween related. Regardless, all of them should still satisfy your scary movie mood! (All titles are linked to their respective IMDb pages.)

1) Trick 'r Treat
2) Let Me In
3) Pumpkinhead
4) The Thing
5) Bram Stoker's Dracula
6) The Shining
7) Pet Sematary
8) Candyman
9) Ghost Ship
10) The Omen movies

            And, since this is a family friendly blog, I felt the need to include a few spooktacular kids movies as well. ;)

1) The Nightmare Before Christmas
2) The Halloween Tree
3) Hocus Pocus
4) It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

            What are your favorite scary movies to watch this time of year?

Fall Breastfeeding Giveaway

     Welcome to the October Breastfeeding Giveaway! Here in the Northeast, leaves are falling, the weather is becoming crisp, and apple cider and pumpkins are everywhere. We're looking forward to Halloween and the upcoming Holidays.
     This Fall Breastfeeding Giveaway has some fantastic items, Goodies for your BooooooBies!! Let's face it, these girls work hard year round; They're on call 24/7 and ready to go at moment's notice. Whether you nurse straight from the tap, pump milk, or a combination, your little one thanks you for providing the best! I'm thrilled to promote this fantastic giveaway where one winner will receive some fantastic supplies to pamper this hard working team of liquid gold producers. Here are the details:

Giveaway Items: One lucky winner will receive a Melinda G Tee-Shirt Soft Cup Nursing Bra, Latch Pal and Hot/Cold Compress from Happy Fig and wonderful Nipple Soother from Balm Baby! Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

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Disclosure; This is not a sponsored post and this blog wasn't compensated for participation. This post may contain affiliate links. Giveaway is in no way associated with social media including Facebook. Mixed Bag Mama is not responsible for prize shipment. Questions? Contact and have a wonderful day!