Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mid-week Update

        In case you didn't catch it on my Facebook page, my mom and one of my aunts are visiting from out of state this week. So, if you've been wondering why I've been a little "quiet" this week, that's the main reason. I've also been working really hard (when I get the chance) on a lot of upcoming giveaways and event, so keep a lookout for that at the end of the month! Time is of the essence since I will start babysitting full-time next week! I can't believe it's time already. It will be great to not be strapped on money again, but I'm REALLY not looking forward to getting up at 5am five days a week. :/
        Other than all the things I REALLY need to get done before I start "work", I have been sleeping like crap...And that was BEFORE my family got here. My mom has been sleeping in Myka's bedroom. Normally when she wakes up, she'll go back to sleep for a little while. But, once she sees my mom she gets all excited and expects her morning bottle of course. She has been waking up WAY too early! Although I'm going to have to get used to it, I'm not used to getting up that early unless I have something planned for the day, you know, like hiking! lol It doesn't help that I have always had a terrible time falling back to sleep once I'm awake. It's next to impossible.
        As you may have read, we live in Hot Springs, Arkansas which, as you might guess, is known for its hot springs and bathhouses. Anyways, I finally had the chance to go to one of the bathhouses and relax today with my mom. As much as I normally don't like leaving Myka with someone else, it was nice getting out of the house without her and not worrying so much since she was with my aunt. Plus, even though I told tourists about it for months while I was working in the national park here, I can finally say that I've actually been to one of the bathhouses!

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