Hey folks! It's that time again for a Baby Learning Time post! As some of you may know, our daughter Myka is not terribly fond of messy activities. (Or being messy/dirty in general.) 17 month olds are naturally messy and dirty creatures, right, so why isn't mine, you may ask? Well, I've inadvertently turned her into a clean freak without even realizing I was doing it. Woops. :(
While this obviously has its advantages, it still makes me a little sad because we really have to ease our way into messy (read "fun" in my book) activities. Not to mention all the times that she gets something on her hand or fingers that I can't even see and wants it wiped off immediately. It may sound silly, but it's something I feel really bad about and didn't realize the extent of it until it was already too late.
On another personal note before I get to the fun stuff, I myself am somewhat of a clean freak which is where Myka got it from, obviously. I'm not a girly girl by any means, but I was never one to play in the mud and I absolutely HATE food related messes. I don't know what it is about them, but I just don't like them. They make me cringe, literally. In fact, I couldn't stand to watch Myka try to feed herself the other day using utensils because I literally cringed every time I did look over to check on her.
To me, it's like the "watching a train wreck" scenario. My logical brain and unreasonable brain duke it out because I have a really hard time looking at it as "a learning/developmental experience that she needs" and not "Oh my God, what an unholy mess I'm going to have to clean up!" Soooo....
The homemade sand was a great learning experience/exercise for BOTH Myka and me. I was really proud of both of us. While at first I caught myself trying to clean up little bits of sand that fell on the floor and trying to move her hand quickly back over the sand tub before she accidentally dumped it all over the floor, I kept telling myself that it was alright and that it would clean up. And you know what? It was a LOT more enjoyable afterwards!
I was proud of Myka because while it took her quite some time to actually touch the sand with her hands, she did do it some eventually even though I could tell she was leery about it. I made sure to praise her when she did touch it and told her that it was supposed to be messy. I also made sure to tell her it was ok when she accidentally got some on herself or the floor and she said "uh oh". (That's her new "thing", like most kids her age.)
It's hard to keep most toddlers entertained for long periods of time. We played with the sand for about an hour, if that tells you anything! Since it was something new to her, I showed her all kinds of things she could do with it with her "tools" and hands.
As you can see in the picture above, putting down the newspaper underneath did me a whole lot of good, huh? But that's ok! It's supposed to be messy, right?! And it's not terribly hard to clean up. I actually ended up getting "dirtier" than Myka did. lol
To make the "sand" that we used, simply mix 4 cups of flour with 1/2 cup of oil (vegetable, sunflower, baby (although I don't personally recommend it), etc. (Please note that I didn't come up with this recipe and am making no claims to such. I've seen it in at least 2 separate places in the blogosphere.) I used white whole wheat flour because, quite frankly, after using it in baking once, I have no intentions of using it any time soon again. lol Plus, it actually made it look more like real sand, so that was a bonus. I doubt it makes any difference what type of oil you use, but I used sunflower, in case you're curious. ;)
Time for the break down! This activity is:
-a great sensory activity even for babies since the ingredients are edible! (Unless you're using baby oil, of course.) It's fun for preschoolers too! (And adults, if I may add. ;) )
-good for fine motor development
-good for problem solving
I'm sure there are a lot of points I'm missing, but, as usual, those are the first ones that pop into my head. And, if you're like me and Myka, it's a fun exercise to help get over your OCD neat-freakedness! Here I thought I was making something fun for my daughter to play with and it turned into a learning experience for me as well! ;)
Disclaimer: Please
use common sense when choosing activities and toys for your children.
You know your child better than anyone else. (In theory.) If you are worried about your child ingesting the "sand" for whatever reason, choose a different age/child appropriate toy or activity. (Although as long as you don't use baby oil, it's perfectly edible.) And
please, PLEASE supervise your children. Thanks!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
"Don't Even Think About It" YA Book Review
Hey folks! I have an entertaining new (just released in mid-March) young adult novel from Sarah Mlynowski to share with you today.
When I first started reading Don't Even Think About It, I was afraid I (and teens with similar upbringings) might not like this book. The main characters of the book are high school sophomores from wealthy families living in a well-to-do neighborhood of Manhattan. I grew up in a small rural town in Indiana with a graduating class of a little over 100 students. You can understand my concern about some kids not being able to relate. However, you can't help but get sucked into the story and interested in the characters quickly. Plus, even if a lot of the characters are self-involved, they're teenagers. It's kind of the nature of the beast. Just saying. ;)
Things start getting interesting for the students in homeroom 10B at Bloomberg High School the day after they receive flu shots. One by one, the teens who got a flu shot are suddenly able to hear other people's thoughts...Even worse, they can telepathically communicate with their other friends and classmates who have the ability. While naturally some think it's totally awesome, others are less than thrilled. Secrets don't stay secrets for long. It's hard to lie when everyone knows what you're really thinking. New relationships are formed and old ones fall apart. Typical high school life, but, you know, more complicated, if that's possible.
This was such a fun book to read! Seriously, this was an easy read, but I finished it in less than 24 hours and had a very hard time waiting to read the rest of it the next day! It's a great blend of typical high school life with a little "sci-fi", to make things extra interesting. I highly recommend it as a fun read for any high school aged girl. (Not trying to be sexist, but it just seems like more of a "girl" book to me.)
You can buy Don't Even Think About It HERE (along with other retailers). You can also stay up to date with the author on her website, Twitter, and Facebook.
Disclaimer: I received a free e-copy of this book through Netgalley.com. However, all opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Oh Baby! Giveaway
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Oh Baby! Giveaway 3/28-4/11 |
Welcome to the Oh Baby! Giveaway!
Sponsored by: Quartered Heart Crochet, Zipadee-Zip, WipesWraps, SnoozeShade, Teething Bling, and Difrax Pacifiers
Sponsored by: Quartered Heart Crochet, Zipadee-Zip, WipesWraps, SnoozeShade, Teething Bling, and Difrax Pacifiers
Hosted by: Mommy Knows What's Best
Know any March babies? Marissa from Mommy Knows What's Best was a March baby, and her youngest son is also a March baby. He just turned '1' around St. Patrick's Day!
How should we celebrate? With a baby giveaway, of course! Thanks to our fabulous sponsors, Mommy Knows What's Best is hosting the Oh Baby! Giveaway!
There are over $175+ in prizes in this giveaway, with items for the nursery, for teething, for sleeping, for strolling, and more! One lucky fan of Mommy Knows What's Best and Mixed Bag Mama is going to win it all!
Here are the prizes:
Dragonfyre Apothecary Giveaway
WELCOME TO THE DRAGONFYRE APOTHECARY FAMILY FUN GIVEAWAY- Natural and Organic Goodies for the whole family. =)
Hosted by: WEMAKE7 Sponsored by: DragonFyre Apothecary
If you like living green or like using products that are Natural and Organic then this giveway is for you! =) DragonFyre Apothecary makes natural, herbal, organic and ethical skin, hair and body care. They carry product lines called Andswere, Andswere Prestige, DragonBaby, DragonMama, and Remedie. Their products are great for everyone in your family.
WEMAKE7 just recently reviewed a bunch of their wonderful products; you can read her review HERE.
DragonFyre Apothecary is being very generous and giving one lucky winner a family prize package worth $165.00!
Prizes include:
Blazin Bottoms Fanny Crème
- Body Crème
- DragonScales Tea Tree Salve
- Head-to-tail body wash
- Troublen Facial Wash
- Troublen Toner
- Troublen Moisturizer
- Moiste Facial Moisturizer
- Hyaluronan Serum
Giveaway open to U.S. Must be 18+ to enter. Enter for your chance to win this fabulous prize package in the rafflecopter below.
Disclosure: This blog was not compensated for this post. This giveaway is not affiliated, sponsored, nor endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment. If you have any questions or concerns you can reach Bonnie at mommato5kiddos@aol.com.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Chicken Update 3/27/14
Hey folks! It's been awhile since I've done an update on any of our chicken shenanigans because, well, we've not really had anything to report until recently! We FINALLY found and got our chicks earlier this month. We ended up having to drive several hours away to get them because 1) The places around here who do order the ones we wanted require a minimum of like 10 or 15, which I think I mentioned in a previous chicken related post. Again, we're not chicken farmers. We just want a few! 2) The other closest place (which is still about a 30-45 minute drive) who ordered them in sold out in LESS THAN AN HOUR. How crazy is that?!
So anyways, here's some pictures of our chickies because who doesn't enjoy tiny little fluffy critters? :)
So anyways, here's some pictures of our chickies because who doesn't enjoy tiny little fluffy critters? :)
Left: March 6-The day we got them.
Top right: March 12
Bottom right: March 15-Which, at the time I'm writing this, was yesterday.
We found out after we brought them home that they mature faster than most other breeds of chickens. I knew chicks grew fast, but it's crazy seeing how much they change and grow each day! It's funny how different they look now that they're getting their feathers in too.
I have to admit I'm proud of myself for not giving them names...yet, anyways. There's only one that doesn't have a "nickname", though. There is "Runty", "Fluffy Butt", and "Little Miss Escape Artist". Yes, we have one that is already able/has already figured out how to get out of the tub. :/
Another scary thing we've learned since researching chickens is that you can't really tell for sure whether they will be male or female until they get older. Why is that scary? We REALLY don't want a rooster, especially since we live in town. They're not necessary to egg laying, so why bother? Anyways, while all of the chicks where we got ours were supposed to be females, my husband still did his best to pick out ones that "looked the most female".
Now, before you go thinking that I've completely lost it, my husband found some useful info online that shows a better indication of whether a chick is male or female. (For our breed, anyways, which are Barred Rocks in case you're curious.) In general, if they have darker colored feet and smaller, more symmetrical white spots on their heads, they are probably female. We'll see. ;)
How about you guys: Are any of you venturing into the world of chickens for the first time as well? I'd love to hear how your chicks are doing!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Opulent Monsters Giveaway
Opulent Monsters
was created while Crystal was pregnant with her third child. She was on
the journey of looking into cloth diapering and decided to make them
her self as she has been sewing for over 20 years. She quickly fell in
love with the cloth diaper community and became obsessed with the
cuteness of all the cloth diapers out there. She made an awesome
all-in-one design and loved it, OMMO was made by Crystal out of her pure
love for cloth diapering and the necessities for something easy to use
while chasing around her other two children. She has been drafting
patterns since the 90's and loves to pass on her knowledge and tricks to
others who would like to learn. Crystal now has four children.

Two very lucky winners will be able to chose their own sewing pattern of choice from Opulent Monsters as well as three (3) sewing kits per winner! For the fabric kit, the winners will be allowed to choose which size of Monster Bunz they would like to make with the kit and for which gender(s) they would like their kits for. This giveaway is open Worldwide (void where prohibited), but please note that winners outside of the US will be responsible for shipping fees. Canadian entrants MUST complete the mandatory skills test. This giveaway will end on April 7th at 11:59pm CST. Two winners will be chosen at random via the entry form, winning entries will be verified and the winners will be notified via email. Winners will have 48 hours in which to respond to these emails or a new winner(s) will be chosen.
Good Luck!
Disclosure: Mixed Bag Mama and all other participating bloggers are not responsible for the fulfillment of these prizes. Prizes will be shipped by Opulent Monster, any winner(s) outside of the USA will be responsible for paying their own shipping. If you have any questions please contact Sarh at mamis3littlemonkeys@yahoo.com
Goodbye Cloth Night-time Diapers
*sigh* It's been no secret around here that we have struggled with finding a night-time cloth diaper solution. The two main things that have caused our issues with this is the fact that 1) Myka has always been a good sleeper and sleeps about 12 hours each night and 2) She pees SO much in that time. We have found a few things that have worked along the way, only to encounter new issues or for her to "outgrow them". (Read: The older she gets, the more she pees, obviously.)
I know we're not the first parents to have issues with our child's night-time diapers and I'm sure we won't be the last. However, I'm throwing in the towel...again. I threw it in the first time back in late fall last year when I was still getting up before the crack of dawn to babysit. Me being the night owl that I am and waiting until I absolutely HAVE to get up in the morning, the last thing I wanted or had time to deal with in the morning was a pee soaked child and crib sheet. (Plus I'm sure that's not exactly Myka's ideal way of waking up either.) So, we started using disposables for a few months.
I gave the night-time diapers a try again recently when I received the Buttons cloth diaper to try out for the blog. (Which I'm still totally in love with, btw.) Their microfiber inserts (and BestBottoms) work great at night, but the ammonia smell is too much to handle in the morning. Sorry, I'll admit I'm selfish and I'm not the type of person who is going to both set an alarm AND wake my child up to change her in the middle of the night.
On top of that, she was starting to get diaper rash, as I'm sure you can imagine. For us, that kind of defeats the purpose of wearing cloth diapers. We even tried using some of the inserts I made awhile ago (pictured above in the middle and right) on top of the other ones so that the microfiber wasn't touching her skin. Even with the flannel and hemp, she was still getting a diaper rash.
So, as much as I don't want to, I give up. I am totally open to suggestions from those of you with more cloth diapering experience than I have. Have any of you experienced similar problems? What did you do about it?
Monday, March 24, 2014
"Young Chicken Farmers" Children's Book Review
It should come as no surprise that I was super excited when I came across Young Chicken Farmer: Tips for Raising Backyard Chickens by Vickie Black on NetGalley.com. If you haven't heard, we have started our own backyard chicken raising adventure this year. I think it's wonderful that more and more families are starting to raise their own chickens, so I thought it was great that someone created an easy to read guide to help children learn how to care for chickens!
I really can't say enough how wonderful this book is and what a great introductory guide it is! Since it is geared towards children, I loved that there are real life photos on each page instead of illustrations, which I believe helps kids grasp concepts better. It talks about everything from chick care, to daily chores, and even how to keep your chickens entertained!
Young Chicken Farmers is written in a simple, easy to understand way for children and not "wordy" so they won't get distracted from the main points they need to know. There is a glossary in the back for key terms as well as resources on how to choose the breed of chicken that is right for your family.
If you are considering raising backyard chickens and have young children who are already interested in their care or you want to get them interested in it, I highly recommend this book. Even if they are not old enough to care for the chickens alone, you are sure to find ways they can help in this title!
You can purchase Young Chicken Farmer: Tips for Raising Backyard Chickens from the publisher's website HERE, check them out on Facebook, or read more about the author's backyard chickens on her blog.
Disclaimer: I received this e-book free to review through netgalley.com. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Paint Chip Easter Egg Mobile-Spring Craft & Acitivity Week
Hey folks! I just love colorful stuff, don't you? If so, you will love today's project!
I apologize for not having tons of pictures (although some of you may be thankful for that ;) ), but I cheated on today's project. I already had the main part of the mobile made from a winter project. I also didn't want to insult your intelligence too much and show a picture of me punching a hole in a paint chip. lol But, here are some simple instructions on how to make this...
What You'll Need:
-wire clothes hangers
-tape, yarn, pliers, a blowtorch...whatever you want to use to secure the hangers together
-yarn or string
-paint chips in whatever colors you want
-a hole punch, if you have one
1) Secure your hangers together crossways. I had the Hulk (aka my husband) try to twist the tops together with pliers and he broke the hook parts off. -_- Getting them to stay together is a lot more of a pain in the rear than you might think, so that's why I suggested above to use WHATEVER you want or can to secure them.
2) Cut varying pieces of yarn and tie them to the coat hangers. Try to spread them out far enough that your eggs can still move and spin around.
3) Cut your paint chips into egg shapes to where you have a different shade on the top and bottom.
4) Punch a hole in the top of them.
5) Tie your eggs to the pieces of yarn.
I apologize for not having tons of pictures (although some of you may be thankful for that ;) ), but I cheated on today's project. I already had the main part of the mobile made from a winter project. I also didn't want to insult your intelligence too much and show a picture of me punching a hole in a paint chip. lol But, here are some simple instructions on how to make this...
What You'll Need:
-wire clothes hangers
-tape, yarn, pliers, a blowtorch...whatever you want to use to secure the hangers together
-yarn or string
-paint chips in whatever colors you want
-a hole punch, if you have one
1) Secure your hangers together crossways. I had the Hulk (aka my husband) try to twist the tops together with pliers and he broke the hook parts off. -_- Getting them to stay together is a lot more of a pain in the rear than you might think, so that's why I suggested above to use WHATEVER you want or can to secure them.
2) Cut varying pieces of yarn and tie them to the coat hangers. Try to spread them out far enough that your eggs can still move and spin around.
3) Cut your paint chips into egg shapes to where you have a different shade on the top and bottom.
4) Punch a hole in the top of them.
5) Tie your eggs to the pieces of yarn.
Ours is a little janky looking, but I still think mobiles are fun...once you get past securing the hangers together, anyways. ;)
National Reading Month Giveaway
Fellow blogger, Krystyna from Spring Mountain Living, has been knee-deep in celebrating reading this month. If you've been having trouble finding ways to celebrate & encourage reading, then be sure to check out her most recent reading-related posts. She shares several ways to help you Celebrate Reading, as well to help Encourage Children to Read. And don't forget about rewards! Children thrive when they receive rewards, even when they're Free Reading Rewards and printables.
About the prize: One lucky winner will receive the following books (all hardcover) to add to their personal library:
Smudge Bunny: A fun story about a beloved pet bunny's journey to find her human family. This is a great story that showcases the love between humans and their fury friends.
Little Boy With A Big Horn: The adventure of a boy who just wants to practice playing his horn, but can't take the noise!
When Ruby Tried to Grow Candy: A young girl who pays decides to try her hand at gardening and attempts to grow... candy!
Walter the Farting Dog: A book full of flatulance and heroism. A giggle fest for (most) all children.
Archibald's Swiss Cheese Mountain: Children are encouraged to chase their dreams in this imaginative book featuring an adventurous mouse!
A Wombat's World: Watch a wombat go from living in his mom's pouch to taking his first steps to growing up and more! Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones: A fantastic bedtime story, showing that all animals go to sleep at night.
Now that you know about the books you can win, let's get to the fun part - entering the giveaway!
You know how much I love reading, so I was happy to help promote this giveaway! I believe it's so important to instill a love of books and reading at an early age. What better time to kick that into high gear than National Reading Month?!-Mixed Bag Mama
Smudge Bunny: A fun story about a beloved pet bunny's journey to find her human family. This is a great story that showcases the love between humans and their fury friends.
A Wombat's World: Watch a wombat go from living in his mom's pouch to taking his first steps to growing up and more! Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones: A fantastic bedtime story, showing that all animals go to sleep at night.
{I was not financually compensated for this post & am not responsible for prize fullfillment. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other social networking sites.}
Kanga Boo Giveaway
Welcome to the Kanga Boo giveaway. If you have ever tried using a shopping cart cover at the grocery store and been disappointed, the Kanga Boo is for you! To read the full review on the Kanga Boo Click Here . This giveaway is hosted by CoastalKel and sponsored by Kanga Boo.
One lucky reader of CoastalKel and Mixed Bag Mama will receive the Kanga Boo support belt valued at up to $43.00. To enter for your chance to win the Kanga Boo Giveaway, simply use the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
I think this is such a neat idea! I'm not a fan of shopping cart covers, I will admit, but we have always had a hard time finding carts at the store where the seat belt actually fits properly for our daughter! Problem=solved. :)
Disclosure: Mixed Bag Mama received nothing in exchange for this post. The Kanga Boo giveaway is hosted by CoastalKel and sponsored by Kanga Boo. The sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. Giveaways are not sponsored by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ or any other social media site. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be a good fit for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Easter Egg Photo Project
I originally wrote this post a year ago (has it really been a year already?!), but it is Easter related so I wanted to make sure and include it in this week's Spring Craft & Activity Week line-up, especially if you missed it the first time! I absolutely loved how my eggs turned out and there are so many possibilities as to what to do with the pictures! As usual, I'd love to hear your feedback on them! :)
1) Make sure you have enough eggs to a) spell out whatever name or word you would like (I used my daughter’s name) or b) dye as many different colors as you desire.
Boil your eggs and color them however you would normally. We
used good ole vinegar and food coloring for our dye and just made each egg a
single, solid color. I like employing the K.I.S.S. method for most things in
life. (Keep It Simple Stupid.) ;) I wouldn’t suggest putting any glitter or
anything like that on them if you decide to use stickers.
After your eggs are nice and dry, you can either paint the
letters on your eggs or use stickers. The stickers I used were kind of thick. I
would recommend the ones that are flat and somewhat flimsy so they will adhere
and bend better to fit the shape of the egg. I also highly recommend not doing
this on a rainy/humid day like I did. It certainly didn’t help the sticker
situation, although the dew/rain drops can add a nice effect.
Set your finished eggs in front of different, interesting
textures (i.e. shutters, wood planks, gravel, etc. I think this would be neat
for a boy’s name.) or different plants/outdoorsy things like flowers, bushes,
trees. Whatever you like! You don’t have to of course, but I think it looks
more interesting if each egg/letter is in front of a different material.
Picture time! Try to get a close up picture without too much
glare of each egg. (Gotta love digital cameras so you can see what they look
like and delete the ones that don’t turn out how you like!)
Print out your pictures and do whatever you like with them.
I’ll be honest, I STILL haven’t done anything with mine yet. I was going to use
them to spell out my daughter’s name and frame them and hang them on the wall
in her bedroom, but I ended up painting wooden letters for that. I do have
several ideas of what you could do with them. A) Get larger than normal prints
and either frame each letter individually to spell out your word or name or put
all of the letters in the same frame and use for a decoration. B) Print up the
pictures and use them in a baby or scrapbook. How cute, fun, and unique would
that be? C) Print them on sticker/adhesive paper and let your child use them to
play with. D) Use them on Easter pictures. Add them to the pictures themselves
using a photo editing program or print out sticker ones and add them to your
photos. E) Personalize your child’s Easter basket with
Here are some of the ones I made last
year. I just love them!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Foam Easter Egg Decorating & Learning-Spring Craft & Activity Week
Hey folks! Welcome back to Spring Craft & Activity Week! I'm super excited to share today's project because it can also be used as a learning tool! (Whoa. That's a lot of exclamation points. *calming down now*) I'm sure I'm not the first person to come up with this idea, but I've never seen anyone do something quite like this with Easter egg shapes. It just popped in my head one morning, so I'm sure I got the ideas for it from several places. (Just throwing that out there so no one is like, "Hey! You stole that idea from me!" or something along those lines.)
What You'll Need:
-colored foam sheets
-glue or glue gun (as usual, I prefer and suggest the glue gun)
-hook & loop tape (aka Velcro)
-egg pattern (optional)
-marker (optional)
What You'll Need:
-colored foam sheets
-glue or glue gun (as usual, I prefer and suggest the glue gun)
-hook & loop tape (aka Velcro)
-egg pattern (optional)
-marker (optional)
Green Scene Mom Awards Giveaway
We are celebrating our Spring Green Scene Mom Awards with a giveaway featuring some of our amazing winning brands! Many of these brands were created by mom or dad entrepreneurs who were problem solving for their own families.
FunBites food cutter
Buttons Diapers 2 covers and 2 daytime inserts
Wristy Buddy teething wristband
Simple Nature Orange Smoothie Duo - shampoo & body wash + lotion
Yummi Pouch Mini reusable food pouches
Baby Butz Cream jar of diaper cream

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mixed Bag Mama was not compensated for this post nor is responsible for prize shipment.
Toofeze TeetherToofeze was created by a mother and daughter who were inspired to develop and bring to market a sensible baby teething ring that really works. The pair is dedicated to helping soothe the pain of teething babies, thereby easing the stress of their caregivers.Full Award Details |
Yummi Pouch MinisYummi Pouch Mini reusable food pouches encourage healthy snacks for active kids. These eco-friendly food pouches are freezer safe, dishwasher safe, BPA-free, Phthalate-free, and can be filled with healthy blended snacks and easily taken on-the-go, no spoon required.Full Award Details |
Buttons Cloth DiapersButtons Cloth Diapers were born at home. Designed by a husband and wife team, Buttons Diapers are easy to use and affordable for everyone — the way it should be. Buttons Diapers believes in keeping life simple, even when it comes to diapering.Full Award Details |
Wristy Buddy Teething WristbandWristy Buddy is designed for babies that haven't developed the motor skills to hold traditional teething objects. Babies that can't grasp toys can manipulate Wristy Buddy. Wristy Buddy is made of absorbant materials to keep little faces and clothing dry.Full Award Details |
Simple NatureSimple Nature's natural products contains the finest organic ingredients to effectively moisturize, soothe and cleanse from head to toe. With creamy shea and mango butters plus the essential oils of orange and natural vanilla extract, hair and skin will feel super soft and smell amazingly fresh!Full Award Details |
Funbites Food CutterFunBites is a simple kitchen tool that allows you to cut sandwiches and fruit into fun shapes for little fingers. FunBites helps create yummy lunches without all the packaging kids' lunches often come with. FunBites was designed by a mom who was inspired by her own daughters to create kid-friendly snacks with one easy cutter.Full Award Details |
Natural Bath SpongeThis natural bath sponge is made from organic material found off the coast of Florida. Instead of scratchy synthetic materials, this sponge features soft sea wool fibers that clean and lather to create a spa-like experience for your baby.Full Award Details |
Baby Butz CreamBaby Butz Cream heals, restores, and moisturizes with the help of all natural ingredients. Free from preservatives, perfumes, chemicals, and alcohol, Baby Butz Cream was developed by a mom searching for a natural solution for her own child.Full Award Details |
We have used both Yummi Pouches and Buttons cloth diapers at our house. I highly recommend both! The other prizes look wonderful as well. Good luck to all who enter! :)-Mixed Bag Mama
Enter to win this amazing Gift Set!
Toofeze teetherFunBites food cutter
Buttons Diapers 2 covers and 2 daytime inserts
Wristy Buddy teething wristband
Simple Nature Orange Smoothie Duo - shampoo & body wash + lotion
Yummi Pouch Mini reusable food pouches
Baby Butz Cream jar of diaper cream
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mixed Bag Mama was not compensated for this post nor is responsible for prize shipment.
Zookaboo Custom Cloth Diaper Cover Giveaway
Welcome to the Zookaboo Custom Cloth Diaper Cover Giveaway
Sponsored by
Zookaboo and hosted by The Parenting
For more information about the diaper covers from Zookaboo, check out The Parenting Patch's Zookaboo Custom Cloth Diaper Cover Review.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Zookaboo Custom Cloth Diaper Cover Giveaway is open worldwide. The Zookaboo Custom Cloth Diaper Cover Giveaway ends at midnight CST on April 2, 2014. One winner will be chosen at random via Rafflecopter. The winner will be sent an email and will have forty-eight hours to respond. If no response is received within forty-eight hours, another winner will be chosen. The Parenting Patch and Mixed Bag Mama are not responsible for prize fulfillment.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Beyond the Seam $50 GC Giveaway
Welcome to the Beyond the Seam Giveaway!
Hosted By: Mami's 3 Little Monkeys
Sponsored By: Beyond the Seam
One lucky reader will win a $50 GC to Beyond the Seam!
Beyond the Seam creates handmade bright and colorful magnetic fabric alphabet and math sets as well as a number of other fun toys for children of all ages! Read Mami's 3 Little Monkeys full review.
You should definitely check out their website. They have some really neat, unique children's gifts!
Discount Code
Use code 3LITTLEMONKEYS to receive FREE SHIPPING on your order from Beyond the Seam!
Simply complete entries through the Giveaway Tools entry form below for your chance to win, the more entries you complete, the better your odds of winning will be. Giveaway is open Worldwide (void where prohibited) to those whom are at least 18 years of age and it will end on April 1st at 11:59pm CST. One winner will be chosen at random through the Giveaway Tools entry form, winners entries will be verified and winner will be notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours in which to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
Good Luck!
Disclosure: Mixed Bag Mama and all other participating bloggers are not responsible for the fulfillment of the prize, nor have they been compensated for this publication. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sarh at mamis3littlemonkeys@yahoo.com
Monday, March 17, 2014
Spring Craft & Activity Week-Easter Egg Sensory Box
Hey folks! I can hardly contain my excitement that Spring is just around the corner! I've been going through one of my really crafty spells too, so I thought I would share what I've been working on with you all. I hope the posts this week inspire you to get out the glue gun and foam board...Or at least give you some ideas for your own projects. Welcome to MBM's Spring Craft & Activity Week!
Ok, so today's activity isn't necessarily a "sensory box", per se, but it makes it sound nicer. You can think of it more as a really easy Easter egg hunt for younger kids. If you have children or grandchildren, you are more than likely going to be making them Easter baskets and/or doing egg hunts, so I thought, "Why not get some extra use out of the plastic eggs and Easter grass?"
Ok, so today's activity isn't necessarily a "sensory box", per se, but it makes it sound nicer. You can think of it more as a really easy Easter egg hunt for younger kids. If you have children or grandchildren, you are more than likely going to be making them Easter baskets and/or doing egg hunts, so I thought, "Why not get some extra use out of the plastic eggs and Easter grass?"
Sunday, March 16, 2014
bumGenius Cloth Diaper Giveaway
Welcome to the bumGenius Elemental Organic One-Size All-In-One
Sponsored by Social News Daily and hosted by The Parenting
One lucky reader of The Parenting Patch, Social News Daily, and Mixed Bag Mama will win one (1) bumGenius Elemental Organic One-Size
All-In-One Diaper in Countess or Hummingbird. To enter for your chance
to win the bumGenius Elemental Organic One-Size All-In-One Giveaway,
simply use the following Rafflecopter form. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The bumGenius Elemental Organic One-Size All-In-One Giveaway is open worldwide. An international winner will receive $25 via PayPal in lieu of the specified prize. The bumGenius Elemental Organic One-Size All-In-One Giveaway ends at midnight CST on March 31, 2014. One winner will be chosen at random via Rafflecopter. The winner will be sent an email and will have forty-eight hours to respond. If no response is received within forty-eight hours, another winner will be chosen. The Parenting Patch and Mixed Bag Mama are not responsible for prize fulfillment. bumGenius is not affiliated with the bumGenius Elemental Organic One-Size All-In-One Giveaway.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Follow Up-30 Day Honey Challenge
Hey folks! I hadn't intended on doing a follow up of the 30 Day Honey Challenge, but I will keep it short. I think I may have underestimated the honey in my final update. I'm starting to realize how big of a difference the type of honey and the color of it make. (It's said that the darker the honey, the more beneficial properties it has, like antioxidants.)
As soon as I stopped using honey on my face and went back to my previous facial cleanser (which was also mostly natural ingredients), my face broke out even worse than it was to begin with literally within a day or two. Namely, the nasty area along my jawline. I'll spare you pictures of my face this time, so you'll just have to take my word for it. ;)
So, since my husband wasn't really a fan of the Buckwheat Honey from MVTC AND it happens to be the darkest one we have, I decided to try it on my face. Let me just say, OH, EM, GEE! I am writing this on the 2nd and I've only used it 3 times so far (and not even every day) and it has helped IMMENSELY! The zits along my jawline have shrunken drastically and aren't half as nasty looking as there were just a week ago. Plus they're not getting all red and itchy now!
So, if you're looking to start using honey in your facial care regimen, do yourself a favor and make sure it is high quality, RAW honey, like that from the Mohawk Valley Trading Company. Otherwise, you're probably going to be disappointed with the results.
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. I have worked with MVTC in the recent past, but I just really like their honey and highly recommend it!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
tommee tippee Giveaway
Welcome to the Huge tommee tippee Giveaway!
A $75+ Value!
hosted by: We're Parents!?
These products would be great for any new (or not so new) parent to win! I have to admit I thought diaper pails were silly for the longest time. I can speak from personal experience now that trust me: You want one! And the tommee tippee Sealer sounds amazing!
tommee tippee is an award-winning company for infants and toddlers. They are the #1 brand of infant and toddler feeding products in the UK, and are now available in the US. As one of the fastest growing baby essentials brands on the market, you will find everything from breast pumps, to toddler feeding supplies, and diaper pails. They are consistently adding more products to their line.
The new 360 Sealer Diaper Disposal System that seals each dirty diapers in an antimicrobial film to help lock in odor. It's easy to set-up, use, and empty, saving you precious time. The pail holds up to 30 diapers at a time before it needs to be emptied and each roll seals up to 100 diapers!
The Explora Feeding products is a BPA-free toddler feeding and drinking line that offers children a seamless transitions through their first steps to independent drinking and feeding. Using bright colors and appealing designs, tommee tippee works to make feeding time enjoyable for everyone.
Read We're Parents!? full review here.
One lucky reader is going to win their own Tommee Tippee 360 Sealer, as well as items from the Explora Feeding line. Just enter using the Giveaway Tools form below. Open to US Residents Only! Ends 3/27/14 at 11:59pm EST. Good Luck! *The items pictured may be different than the items received.
Disclosure: **We're Parents!? received these products in order to run this giveaway. All opinions are our own. We're Parents!? and other participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Green Scene Mom Awards: Winners Announced!
How exciting! Check out all of these great products and companies who are passionate about making the best items for our children and creating an eco-friendlier plaace for them to live! Be sure to stay tuned for a giveaway for items from these companies soon as well!-MBM The Green Scene Mom Awards honor cutting edge children's products that promote Eco-friendly lifestyles, sustainable living, and creative innovation. We are very excited to announce the 2014 Spring Winners! |
Baby Butz CreamBaby Butz Cream heals, restores, and moisturizes with the help of all natural ingredients. Free from preservatives, perfumes, chemicals, and alcohol, Baby Butz Cream was developed by a mom searching for a natural solution for her own child. Award Details » |
Yummi Pouch MinisYummi Pouch was created by a husband and wife team. Inspired by their daughter, they designed Yummi Pouches to help parents meet their children's fundamental need of good nutrition while making the feeding process simple, eco-friendly, and cost-effective. Award Details » |
FunBites CutterFunBites is a simple kitchen tool that allows you to cut sandwiches and fruit into fun shapes for little fingers. FunBites was designed by a mom who was inspired by her own daughters to create kid-friendly snacks with one easy cutter. Award Details » |
San Diego Bebe Eco-Nursing PillowSan Diego Bebe was designed by San Diego native Sandy Clark, a passionate breastfeeding advocate, entrepreneur and mother of twins. Clark was inspired to design a product that would help resolve the issue of privacy while nursing. Award Details » |
Simple Nature Natural Face & Body LotionSimple Nature Natural Face & Body Lotion features delightful all-natural ingredients without sacrificing any comforts. This amazing product is perfect for luxuriously pampering dry skin after doing lots of dishes, diaper changes, and other labors of love. Award Details » |
Wristy Buddy Teething Wristband |
Simple Nature Natural Shampoo & Body Wash
Simple Nature Natural Shampoo and Body Wash is luxurious, smells delicious, and provides a refreshing finish to any hygiene routine. This product was developed by a mom who wanted to create a natural solution for her own family. Award Details »Toofeze Teether
Toofeze was created by a mother and daughter who were inspired to develop and bring to market a sensible baby teething ring that really works. The pair is dedicated to helping soothe the pain of teething babies, thereby easing the stress of their caregivers. Award Details »Buttons Cloth Diapers
Buttons Cloth Diapers were born at home. Designed by a husband and wife team, Buttons Diapers are easy to use and affordable for everyone — the way it should be. Buttons Diapers believes in keeping life simple, even when it comes to diapering. Award Details »Baby Buddy Natural Bath Sponge
This natural bath sponge is made from organic material found off the coast of Florida. Instead of scratchy synthetic materials, this sponge features soft sea wool fibers that clean and lather to create a spa-like experience for your baby. Award Details »To learn more about the Green Scene Mom Awards, please visit greenscenemom.com/awards. |