Thursday, March 30, 2017

Spring Fun Has Begun!

            Hey folks! I don't know about you, and I'm sure this sounds super cliché, but I just feel renewed, for lack of a better term, once spring rolls around, don't you? I was at a loss of what to do for school stuff for a couple of weeks and it got chilly again for awhile, so we just kind of worked on a Doc McStuffins pack whenever Myka felt like doing school stuff. Now that it's officially spring and the weather has been getting warmer, I'm overflowing with ideas! Plus, we've been able to get outside and do some fun stuff too. Here's a look at some of those things below!

            Around our house, we focus more on celebrating the seasons rather than individual holidays (for the most part). So, while it might seem weird to some of you, we already colored eggs and did an Easter egg hunt to celebrate Spring! (Plus, Myka will be staying with my parents the weekend of Easter, so it works out!) Except for a couple of the marbled eggs, I left the egg decorating decisions completely up to Myka, which her bossy side enjoyed. :) I think she did a good job! We also worked on some spring crafts the weekend before the spring equinox, but I'll get to those in a minute.

            While Myka was enjoying her Easter egg hunt (3 times, in fact) with daddy, Ripley decided to wander off and visit the chickens. After she got bored with them, I let her wander around the yard for a little bit. She was learning the hard way that not all “floors” are even/level. ;)

            It was so nice out that we decided to go for a walk down to the creek after all that. Myka and John planted some potatoes on the bank since the soil is better for them down there. Plus, the tops are poisonous or don't taste very good (I can't remember which John said), so we shouldn't have to worry about the horde of deer that roam through there eating them!
            After John showed me an area he and his dad had cleared and we walked back to the pond, Myka insisted I play in the creek with her. Everything nowadays with her is, “I wanna come back here.” She still doesn't seem to understand that we can go to the creek any time we want! Lol

            Here are some of our spring crafts and school projects Myka and I have going so far. She told me a week or so ago that she wanted to do birds for school stuff, but I didn't (and still don't :/) have anything ready for it because I was wanting to wait until more birds returned. So, I had the idea to put a bird book together that we can keep track of the birds that we see around here. Bonus: She loves using papaw's binoculars to look for them. ;)
            Soooo the footprint thing in the window I got the idea for from a fellow blogger. (You can find hers HERE.) But, I'm lazy and didn't feel like dealing with cutting out cardboard after all of the other stuff we had done that day, so I just kind of made a makeshift wreath with the footprints in the window.
            I found the handprint chick idea on Pinterest. We made ours to celebrate the first day of Spring with. :)
            I have all kinds of ideas for spring-related school stuff, so I'm combining a few “themes” and using things from each that I think Myka will be interested in. I decided to make a weather chart for her to keep track of. She even helped me draw some of the pictures. ;) I thought this would be a great idea for her for several reasons. 1) She can better judge what clothing is appropriate to wear for the day. 2) It's kind of math/science related, and she seems to be more into math than reading and such. 3) I'm hoping it will help teach her about days and weeks!

            One of our “adult” projects we've been working on is a rabbit hutch. To be honest, it is taking longer than I had thought it would. Lol Silly me thought we would just throw it together in an afternoon. While I'm sure you could, that is totally unfeasible with children...At least for us. But, it's almost there! Just needs a “roof”.

            I've been dying to go for a hike somewhere besides home, so we went for a visit to our local state park, McCormick's Creek, Tuesday. It was compromising at its finest for Myka and me. She got to play on the playground, we had a picnic lunch, then we went for a walk. She even wanted to go for a walk and willingly left the playground without a struggle! What?! We even got to see the pool that we plan on visiting this summer, walked down to the waterfall, and visited the lobby of the hotel and found a mini bird book for Myka. It was a good day!

            What Spring fun are you up to, or is it still too chilly where you are to enjoy the outdoors just yet?
This Is How We Roll Thursday Party
Thinking Outside The Pot

$50 Little Adventures Gift Certificate Giveaway

Sponsored By: Little Adventures

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy

Winner Will Receive: 

A $50 Gift Certificate to Little Adventures! 

My daughter loves anything to do with princesses. She has a variety of dolls and loves switching out their dresses and playing with their castle. With her love of these characters and their beautiful costumes, I jumped at the chance to work with Little Adventures! Little Adventures is the master-mind of amazing, quality dress-up clothes that are going to make you and your little one melt into a big puddle of happiness. I know we did! 
 Little Adventures started out in 2002 as a mommy-duo (Jenny and Heather) and with their 15 kids between them! They were tired of the lack of clothing-quality dress-ups and princess costumes and decided to take matters into their own hands. They started sewing and sold their very own dress-ups at local craft fairs. During their first year in business, they sewed over 2,000 dresses in Jenny’s basement! With that, the Little Adventures brand was born!
Click here to read Love, Mrs. Mommy's full Little Adventures review!  Can't wait to see if you won?  Use promo code "lapromo-lmm" to save 15% off your order!  Good through the month of April!
Open To US and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 3/30 12:01 AM EST through 4/15 11:59PM EST
Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. Love, Mrs. Mommy received Little Adventure products at no cost to facilitate the above-mentioned review. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winner will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com.

Monday, March 27, 2017

6 Things You Can NEVER Have Enough of (On the Farm)

            We have only lived on our farm for a year and a half, but we have already discovered that there are just certain things that you can NEVER have enough of! When we were working on a rabbit hutch the other day, I (not-so-jokingly) mentioned that you can never have enough chicken wire. (We had some extra laying around that we were able to use for the sides of our hutch.) John proceeded to spout of a bunch of other things, so I thought I would share our (not exhaustive) list below and some random projects we have used them for!

*Fencing/chicken wire-Seriously. You will always find something to use it for. Rabbit hutches, fencing off gardens/plants, putting together makeshift chick “nurseries”, etc.

*Rope-Tying together a “baby pen” for new piggies, tying our old, janky chicken coop door shut, tying around a big bunch of dead weeds/vines to pull out with the tractor.

*Wood/2x4's/pallet wood-Again with the “chick nursery”, putting together our lawn mower cart, pig house.

*Hardware: Screws, nails, staples-See projects above. Ha ha Also erecting pasture areas for animals, hanging up suet feeders, side projects/fun woodworking projects, etc.

*Buckets-Used to haul water out for animals when it's too cold to use the hose, used as feed buckets, mix up fertilizer.

*Time!-There is no such thing as having too much time on a farm. There is always something you can be doing, working on, or improving upon!

            What can you not live without or what do you wish you had more of around your place?

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Monthly Crafting Book Club: How Do Dinosaurs...? Series

            Welcome back for the March Monthly Crafting Book Club! This month's selection is for the fun “How Do Dinosaurs...” series. I was pretty excited about this as the one thing Myka has been consistently interested in since she was 2 is dinosaurs and I've been meaning to check these books out!
            I knew my friend had recently nabbed a lot of cheap dinosaur-related books for her older soon who has become interested in them as well, so we borrowed two: How Do Dinosars Say Goodnight? and How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors?I thought these would be good choices for us because Myka usually makes a chore of bedtime and, while she's pretty good with her colors, she still has a hard time remembering some of their names. Here are some snippets from each so you get a feel for them.

“How does a dinosaur say good night when Papa comes in to turn off the light? Does a dinosaur slam his tail and pout? Does he throw his teddy bear all about?”

“Dinosaur colors start with red: A red fire truck tucked under the bed, a purple towel left on the floor, a green sign taped to the bedroom door...”

            Fun, right? The illustrations are amusing too. Myka laughs every time we get to the page in the bedtime book where the t-rex is puckering up for a kiss. We also like that the names of the dinosaurs are “hidden” on each page so we can learn more about dinos too! I highly recommend both of these books for the dinosaur lover in your life! I'm sure the others in the series are fun as well.
On to the craft! I had an idea for combining different aspects from each book into this month's activity. It's not so much a craft as an activity, but I hope you like it nonetheless!

Bedtime Dinos Color Matching Activity

Ages 3+

What You'll Need:

-a rainbow of felt plus white (as pictured)
-scissors (fabric scissors come in really handy for the felt, if you have some)
-a rainbow of dinos (as pictured)

(In case you're wondering why there is tape in the picture but not listed on the materials list, I was going to put this on the wall if we happened to do it while the little monster was awake. Lol)

*On each color of felt, draw a book, lips, and X. These are the “items” I decided to incorporate from How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? The book for an extra bedtime story, the lips for a goodnight kiss, and an X to symbolize a hug.

*Cut your felt pieces and printed dinosaurs out. You can make the dinosaurs out of felt too, of course, if you like.

*Next, line your white felt up with a colored piece. Lay your dino out to look like he is laying on a bed. Mark your lines and cut out your “beds and pillows”.

*Once you have everything cut out, it's time to tuck your dinos into bed! This in and of itself was amusing to my 4 year old. :)

*Once they are tucked in, ask your child to put the matching color of books, kisses, and hugs on the correct bed.

And it conveniently fits into a sandwich baggie for easy clean up or taking it with you somewhere to keep the kids entertained. 

            I hope you and your kids find this to be a fun way to work on colors. I am a fan of starting your kids out early on using scissors too, so if you think they can be safe with them, definitely encourage your child to try cutting some of the pieces out, such as the beds and pillows. You could probably do this activity with 2 year olds as well, they just won't be able to help you as much in making it. Oh. And one more thing. Even with all of the cutting, this really doesn't take that long to set up.

            Don't forget to stop by all of the other bloggers who participated this month for even more craft/activity ideas!

Come join us for the Monthly Crafting Book Club. Each month we focus on a different book and encourage early literacy by pairing it with a craft.

Monthly Crafting Book Club
Thinking Outside The Pot

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Sunny Spring Days - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway
We are celebrating Spring with this fun Sunny Spring Days giveaway for families! Coordinated by Mommy Scene and sponsored by the participating brands, this fun giveaway has something for everyone! One lucky winner will receive all of these awesome prizes when the giveaway ends 4/14/17.
Charlie Banana One Size Diaper Twitter Bird - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Charlie Banana Diapers

Prize: Charlie Banana One Size Diaper Twitter Bird & Deluxe Inserts
The Charlie Banana reusable diapering system is innovative and Eco-friendly; each set includes 1 cloth diaper and 2 highly absorbent, reusable, washable inserts. The sizable safe-snap system allows the one-size diaper to grow with your baby. Highly absorbent inserts make these cloth diapers great for both daily and overnight use. Learn more at

Scrub Bugs hand scrubbers - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Scrub Bugs

Prize: 2 Scrub Bugs Hand Scrubbers
Scrub Bugs are the 1st surgeon inspired hand scrubbers for kids. They are proven to clean hands over 3X better than ordinary handwashing. Cleaner Hands, Healthier Kids - More Fun! Learn more at
A Wild Dill exclusive print - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Wild Dill Kids

Prize: A Wild Dill Exclusive Print!
Wild Dill commissioned artist Juliet Meeks to come up with a sweet nighttime inspired watercolor for a baby nursery. The result is this magical sleepy narwhal swimming under a starry sky and moonlit night. 8" x 10" high quality print designed by Artist Juliet Meeks. Learn more at

Kangapouch - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway


Prize: Organic Cotton White Sleep Sack, 0-12 months OR 12-24 months
Kangapouch is a cotton down fill baby sleep sack that will move with your baby through rolls and turns during sleep, keeping your baby warm, comfortable and covered at all times. Kangapouch is also ideal for sleepovers and camping. Kangapouch is the original down filled baby sleep sack. CPSA certified and created to the highest quality, ethical and safety standards. Kangapouch has adjustable snaps on the shoulders and Velcro waist fasteners to allow for growth. Zipper-pull guard protects your baby's skin and two- way zippers allows for easy diaper change and added ventilation for use in all seasons. The white organic cotton Kangapouch uses a 550 thread count of 100% organic cotton fabric and is filled with duck down. Easy machine wash & dry. Learn more at

Lottie, Finn and Friends - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Lottie, Finn & Friends 

Prize: Lottie, Finn & Friends 7.5" Doll
Lottie, Finn & Friends are age appropriate, relatable and empowering dolls and accessories inspired by childhood. Unlike other dolls, Lottie is based on a nine-year-old child. This collection of dolls and accessories encourage children to be imaginative, adventurous and most of all, to have fun. 2017 will see Lottie launch a series of chapter books with Penguin, as well as a 'Brownie' doll and accessories as part of a licensing deal signed with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Learn more at

Yummi Pouch Jewel Cloth Snack Bags - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Yummi Pouch

Prize: Jewel Cloth Snack Bags - set of 3
Take snacks on the go with Yummi Pouch cloth sandwich bags. These gorgeous Eco-friendly cloth storage bags have a moisture resistant interior, open with a zipper, and are decorated with modern jewel color patterns. Also available in snack bag size! Perfect for crackers, sandwiches, dry snacks, small items, accessories, and cosmetics. Learn more at

Sudsy Dough Moldable Soap - Sunny Spring Days Giveaway

Sudsy Dough

Prize: Sudsy Dough Moldable Soap
Sudsy Dough is an interactive, sensory bath toy that doubles as a moldable scented dough and a cleansing soap. Kids can squeeze and squish Sudsy Dough in the bath, rub it on as body wash, or take it outside the tub and let it dry to make custom-shaped soaps. Sudsy Dough is scented and moisturizing, available in fragrances Sassy Strawberry, Merry Mango, Bubbly Blueberry, and Awesome Apple. Learn more at

Enter to win this fun prize collection!

This giveaway is coordinated by Mommy Scene, sponsored by the participating brands, and is open to US entries ages 18 and older. No purchase required to enter. One winner will be randomly chosen and contacted through e-mail, and their name displayed on the giveaway widget after the giveaway ends on April 14, 2017. Mommy Scene and participating blogs are not responsible for fulfilling brand-sponsored prizes. Prizes will be shipped directly from each brand. Have fun and good luck!

Mommy Scene Blog Street Team

2017 Summer Bucket List

            Hey folks! Is this unusually warm weather getting anyone else excited about summer activities? It's bad enough that it's got us wanting to plant stuff and start more seeds indoors already, but I'm getting antsy to go exploring new places this summer too!
            I guess “summer” is somewhat misleading for this post as I would like to do a lot of these things in the spring or fall when it's not too hot. I'm one of those people who doesn't really like summer all that much. There, I said it! Regardless, let's dive into my (somewhat ambitious) list!

*Visit all of our state parks. I know. A little overzealous, right? But, for the 5,000th time, we got a state park pass for Christmas and I intend on using it! To be honest, I'll be a little disappointed if we don't make it to at least, let's say, roughly ¾ of them, but I'm not going to beat myself up too much either.

*Ride the “Mini Trains” in Johnson County. My husband somehow came across this place through his work. Myka's a big fan of trains and we think she would love this! It starts at a park and the rides run for 20 minutes! And it's only a few bucks to ride!

*Borrow an Explorer Backpack from Griffey Lake. I remember reading about these last year, but it sounded like the kind of thing that would be better suited for Myka when she was older. I have no idea what is in these things, but it sounded like a fun way to incorporate some more learning into our great outdoors experience. Plus, we didn't get to Griffey Lake (in Bloomington, IN) as much as I wanted to last year, so it's a good excuse to visit.

*Go to the pool/Teach Myka to swim. She already has the basic idea down, but I'd really like her to learn to swim for real. I feel like it's an important life skill and she loves playing in the water. I can't exactly teach her to swim in a kiddie pool at home, though, can I? We didn't get to the pool at all last year because the whole “getting out with a baby and being afraid your older kid is going to run off or drown” thing was too frightening.

*Visit the Splash Pad and Sand Playground more. We went here once or twice last year, but I'm hoping to go more this year...Just not when it's so freaking hot out! Pretty sure the baby and I were both miserable, especially the day we went just to visit the new sand playground. There is a giant canopy over the area, but that almost makes it worse and traps heat somewhat. At least we weren't getting sunburnt?

What is on your summer bucket list this year?

P.s. If you're local to the Bloomington, IN area, be sure to click on the bold links (and some of the pictures) above to learn more about the places listed!
This Is How We Roll Thursday Party
Thinking Outside The Pot