Monday, February 18, 2013

Used Container Love

    I am probably a little more excited about this than I should be, but I have been in an extra “I want to share helpful things” mood lately. My husband and I have been keeping random, used, empty containers from products such as baby wipes, coffee, ketchup, etc. etc. We always feel like there should be something else useful we can use them for and it seems so wasteful to throw them away. Perhaps we’re just strange.
    I made the mistake of getting on Pinterest last night and this morning looking up diy household/toiletry items. I’ll be honest, I’m not like most women aged 20-60 with an internet connection that seem to be obsessed with Pinterest. I’ve had an account for awhile, but never really use it. I have had a “hay day” with it this weekend, though! I finally got to put more of my empty containers just lying around to good use!
    To get to the point, the next time you think about throwing a container away, think again. There may be more possibilities to reuse it than you may think and I am so glad I held on to some of ours, even if it did take a few months to find something useful for it. I even have a few old formula cans waiting to be turned into some sort of sensory toy for when my daughter gets older. Pictured below are the containers I’ve found a use for so far. From left to right, I’m using an old ketchup bottle for pre-wash diaper detergent, a ketchup/mustard bottle for homemade shampoo (I actually bought this from Walmart for really cheap, but it still might be something someone might have lying around not being used.), homemade deodorant in an old deodorant container (That just makes sense, right?!), powdered dishwasher detergent in an old peanut butter jar, and baby wipes in an old coffee container. 


  1. I try to reuse as many containers as possible. I also shop at Costco, so there are many times were I get items that are in large conatiners. These containers are perfect for storing my kids toys.

  2. Isn't Pinterest a black hole? I get so sucked in whenever I go on. It's a good 2 hour time commitment for me!

  3. We also try to reuse as much as we can and I love that you found info on Pinterest! I have had an account for a while, too and just recently really started using it! I'm loving it! :)

  4. I love going on pinterest to find diy ideas! Great ideas with the containers.

  5. I love and have learned so many new things on pinterest. I am a stickler for reusing containers. I used to decorate them and everything. I haven't done that in a while but may again at some point.
