Thursday, June 30, 2016

Potty Training Regression

             Ah, potty training. A magical time in any parent and child's life...Ok. Who am I kidding, right? Potty training (for most of us) just plain sucks. That's why it's one of the most joyous of triumphs when raising children. At last! Your child is finally potty trained! No more diapers! No more (well at least as much) wiping butts several times a day! Even better? Being night-time trained! No more washing sheets, blankets, clothes, etc. every morning! You're home from and it's easy sailing from here...right?
             But then * gasp * something happens: A big move, a new sibling is added to the family, or some other dramatic, life changing event occurs and all is not well in Potty Trained Land any more. Maybe there's no obvious reason why your Big Boy or Big Girl is suddenly having accidents again or peeing the bed at night. Alas, potty training regression is a very real thing, though, for whatever reason, and it's likely nothing that you could have prevented, as frustrating as it may be.
             Myka, our 3 year old, did pretty good with the whole potty training business. She started going regularly when she was about 2 ½ and it wasn't long before we could take her places without a diaper too. Yay! (I still highly recommend the “let them run around naked” method of potty training, btw.) It did take her quite awhile to finally stop “needing” a diaper to poop in but hey, most kids have a bit of trouble with #2, right?
             She even surprised us by not needing a diaper at night before she was even 3. From what I've heard from others, night-time potty training seems to be the most difficult part of potty training. Needless to say, I was thrilled to not have to buy disposables for night-time any more!
             ...Then her baby sister came along earlier this year in January. Myka did ok for a month or two...Then she started peeing her panties during the day. Not to the point of being soaked, but like she just got caught up doing something and forgot. But then she started peeing the bed at night again, so we had to revert to wearing diapers again. The day time accidents got worse too. There were days where we had to change her underwear probably 5 or 6 times. Super annoying.
             This has been going on for 2 or 3 months now, but it is getting better. So far the only advice I can offer is to spend more time with your child. Even if you think you are spending an ample amount of time with them, try to spend more. Quality time, of course, where you're totally paying attention or interacting with him/her. This has helped us out thus far.
             No one is perfect and I will be the first to admit that I am not Mom of the Year. I have been making a much better effort at spending quality time with Myka instead of just going through the motions of the day, which we can all get caught up in doing, amiright? For us, that usually means doing “school stuff”. This also usually helps her behave better, for whatever reason, so it's a win/win. Plus I have fun too. ;)
             So tell me: Have you dealt with potty training regression issues with any of your children? What did you find helped get them back to dry underwear and clean sheets?
This Is How We Roll Thursday Party
Thinking Outside The Pot
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Green Scene Mom New Baby Giveaway

New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Expecting a baby this year? A new little one is an exciting addition to any family! Babies change your life in a great way. They also can need quite a lot of gear for such a tiny little one. We've put together a fabulous giveaway for new moms or moms-to-be, featuring several products that help keep baby close, fed, cozy, and diapered! Some of these brands are our personal faves for nursing and diapering essentials, and also make great baby shower gifts! Enter to win this collection of featured prizes for mom and baby!

Lalabu Soothe Shirt

Prize: Lalabu Soothe Shirt
The Lalabu Soothe Shirt is a stylish top for mom, cozy pouch for baby, and nursing bra all-in-one that is also made in the USA. Sign up to Lalabu's New Moms + Late Night series to learn fun facts about your newborn and get deals on the Soothe Shirt! Learn more at

Soothe Shirt - New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Duo Diary

Prize: Duo Diary portable journal
A Duo Diary is a portable journal that allows you to monitor your postpartum health and wellness while you care for your new baby. Track all of your baby's feedings including breastfeeding, bottle, formula, and pumping; monitor behaviors, patterns, sleep, diapers, and more on one side. On the other side, care for yourself with a food journal; track water intake, sleep, and exercise, plus keep notes on how you are feeling mentally and physically postpartum. It's all here - everything you need to care for your baby AND yourself! Learn more at Use code MOMMYSCENE at checkout and get 10% off!

Duo Diary New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Bun Maternity Nursing Tanks

Prize: 2 nursing tanks
Bun Maternity nursing tanks combine fashion and breastfeeding accessibility in one stylish tank top design. With shoulder straps that unclasp and a long length that covers the waistline, Bun Maternity nursing tanks come in a variety of colors. They are also made in the USA from USA-sourced soft ribbed cotton. Learn more at

Bun Maternity Nursing Tank New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Buttons Diapers

Prize: Cloth diaper cover, daytime insert, small wet bag
Buttons Cloth Diapers is a family company that designs adorable and modern cloth diapers, wet bags and Eco-friendly wipes and wool dryer balls. Their 2-in-1 cloth diapers feature PUL diaper covers, double leg gussets, and snap-in daytime and nighttime inserts, sizable for babies 9-35 lbs. Learn more at

Buttons Diapers New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Yummi Pouch Reusable Food Pouches

Prize: Set of 4 Brights reusable food pouches
When it's time to feed your baby solid foods, look no further than the Yummi Pouch. These Eco-friendly reusable food pouches can be filled with 6 ounces of homemade baby food and enjoyed on the go or at home in the high chair, no spoon required. They are easy to squeeze and dispense through the spout, so mom can feed baby or baby can feed themselves. Yummi Pouches close with a top resealable opening and are easily washed by hand or upside down in the dishwasher. Learn more at

Yummi Pouch New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Lady Lullaby Music

Prize: Hardcopy CD of Road to Dreamland: Unexpected Lullabies for All Ages. Unique jazz-flavored bedtime lullabies for everyone from babies to grownups!
"Jazz singer Jane Roman Pitt's oh-so-lovely album's subtitle, "Unexpected Lullabies for All Ages," is apt. Among the tender, off-the-beaten-path lullaby choices here, are the Thad Jones classic, "A Child is Born," Neil Young's "Barefoot Floors," and this exquisite little art song hinting of magic and fairyland: "The Sleep That Flits (on baby's eyes)" (text by Rabindranath Tagoe, music by John Alden Carpenter). Pitt's original "Dance Like the Wind," is a smooth fit; other soothing, well-chosen tracks include "Over the Rainbow," "The Nearness of You," and "Summertime." The jazz arrangements and instrumentation here are A+, and the singer herself, who styles the songs with lilting vibrato and a soft vocal caress, is chief among the album's unexpected treats." Lynne Heffley ©2016 Parents' Choice. Learn more at

Road to Dreamland Lady Lullaby New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

PinkBlush Maternity

Prize: $50 PinkBlush Gift Card
For nearly a decade, PinkBlush has proudly provided women with confident, feminine, and flirty fashions that celebrate life's transitions. Our fashions honor a woman's sense of style and the female form, not just during pregnancy but beyond. A family business, as understandt he pressures of ahving a raising a family and, as such, we have earned customer confidence by providing both quality products and service. We offer free exchanges and free US shipping over $50 to ensure our customers find the right look and fit. Learn more at

PinkBlush Maternity New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Cozy Sleepwear by Revelae Kids

Prize: Cozy Sleeper and Blanket Pouch - color and style of choice
Cozy blanket pouches and enclosed sleepers create a secure sleeping environment that helps babies sleep through the night, keeping hands and feet cozy. Blanket pouches cover baby from the waist down and are hard to kick off, thanks to the soft elastic waistband. The fuzzy polyester material is comforting and can't be pulled up near the face. Cozy Sleepers feature an enclosed design that helps with startle reflex and even discourages a baby from sucking their fingers or thumb. These baby sleepers unzip from the bottom up for easy diaper changes, without having to fully undress your baby. Cozy Sleepers are great swaddle transition baby sleepers too! Learn more at

Cozy baby sleeper and blanket pouch by Revelae Kids New Baby Giveaway - Mommy Scene

Enter for the chance to win these great products for mom and baby!


This giveaway is coordinated by Mommy Scene, sponsored by the participating brands, and is open to US entries. No purchase required to enter. One winner will be randomly chosen and displayed on the giveaway widget after the giveaway ends on July 13th, 2016. Mommy Scene and participating blogs are not responsible for fulfilling brand-sponsored prizes. Prizes will be shipped directly from each brand.
Mommy Scene Blog Street Team

Monday, June 27, 2016

Finding My People

             Have you ever heard people talk about “finding their people”? I always thought this was some cheesy, mushy load of crap...until recently. I think I finally get it now...
             As adults and, in my opinion, especially as parents, it can be really hard finding and making new friends. Add in living in a new place where you don't know anyone and it can seem like a downright impossible feat. Even as an introvert, I have found myself reaching out more and more for people to connect with after I started having kids. After all, we all need a little adult conversation every now and then, right?
             Sure, I still have my friends from school that I still talk to and hang out with occasionally. But, most of them live over two hours away, so needless to say, the hanging out part doesn't happen nearly as much as I would like. Though I haven't been going to our playdate group meetups much, I enjoy talking to most of those ladies too, but I still feel like I have my guard up somewhat for whatever reason. Like I haven't gotten them quite pegged, so I'm not completely at ease with them, I guess you could say. There's also the other moms who take their kids to storytime/music and movement on Thursdays, but I've only talked to a few of them a handful of times, if that, and we've been going for 2-3 months now. Most of them are definitely not my type of people. I won't go into specifics on that.
             One of the ladies from our playdate group also happens to be in the local babywearing group and told me about it before I even had Ripley. (She was 5 months old on the 15th! How is that possible?! Back to topic, though...) As with most things new to me, I had been wanting to go to one of their playdates for awhile, but kept putting it off. In hindsight, I wish I would have just gone sooner!
             I have only been to two playdates so far and really haven't met that many people in the group, but I feel like I finally found a place where I don't have to put on facades and can just be myself. I don't know what it is about them, but I just feel comfortable, which, again as an introvert, is extremely rare for me right off the bat. And as cheesy as it sounds, it's a good feeling. We all need people we can open up to and feel relaxed around, right?
             I definitely plan on making an effort to go more and can't wait to go to my first monthly meeting. To me it's just an extra bonus that these people can help me out with my baby carrier questions. Lol (I just got my first soft structured carrier, so I am in desperate need of some help!) I'm looking forward to the montly meeting to meet more people AND hopefully be able to try on some different carriers to get a better idea of what I like. I was so set on the idea that a SSC would make my life infinitely easier than the mei tai, but it is not love so far. But that's a story for a different post, perhaps.
             Moral of my story: Get out there, do things, meet new people, even if you're shy at first like me. Eventually you're bound to find ones you just relate to, right? Depending on your location and views/values you may have to search longer than others, but I think it's totally worth the effort. :)

             Where have you found people you can relate to as a parent? Are you part of a local group or online forum?
Thinking Outside The Pot
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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Homeschool Preschool Update: Birds & Bugs, Oh My!

             Hey folks! It's been a long time since I've done a school update for two reasons. 1) I was really slacking there for awhile, but hey. This was kind of my trial year for the real deal coming sooner than I will know it. 2) Other than the alphabet learning stuff I print from various homeschooling blogs I follow and some other workbook-type things I have at home, I mostly use the “A Child's World” curriculum. (You can learn more and order this curriculum for yourself HERE.) Obviously, I didn't want to give everything away about it before so people would purchase it for themselves and help a fellow blogger out, but now that I'm a program ambassador I can! (Well, not everything. ;) )
             I finally got smart and have been letting Myka choose from two or three of the themes which one is most interesting to her when we are getting ready to start a new one. She's really into birds lately, so I wasn't surprised that she chose that one the time before this. Here are some highlights (read: Activities I actually got pictures of!) from the bird theme below.

Myka loves “beading” so the Cheerio “caterpillar” bird treats were a big hit. The birds didn't seem to notice them or enjoy them all that much. Perhaps they don't like Honey Nut Cheerios, which is all we had. Lol

We also practiced numbers 1-5 with this bird egg and “nest” activity. We kind of ran with this one. First, I asked her to put the corresponding egg in the correct numbered nest. Then we practiced some more by putting the correct amount of beads in each egg...Then we put the correct number of beads directly into the “nests”. And so on and so forth. Ha ha She was really into and I try to expand upon things when she's extra interested, especially because her attention span still isn't great, to say the least. I really think the math activities in the curriculum have helped her get a lot better with numbers lately because they make it fun to learn them, plus that's one of the main things she's been interested in learning-wise lately: counting.

We've taken a few nature walks lately, but not nearly enough. We actually got to play in the creek for a decent amount of time this day because it wasn't as buggy! Daddy found some really cool geode rocks, one of which he cracked open, that I forgot to include in today's pictures. We saw our fair share of bugs, too, including lots of damselflies (which are similar to dragonflies), which was good because we started the...

Bug theme next! A lot of people in the old Facebook group for this theme did bugs back in the fall, but I decided to wait until the spring/summer when the “nice bugs” were out. Lol Plus I wanted the weather to be nice so we could release our butterflies after studying them. This was just a swallowtail we found on the way back from playing in the creek. I can't believe it let me get that close! I wasn't zoomed in or anything!

Speaking of butterflies, we got our caterpillars last week and I think I was just as excited about them as Myka was! Lol They take about 5-10 days to make their chysallides and we've had them for 6, so we're eagerly awaiting that. (Btw, it's hard to get a 3 year old to understand that we can't pick the cup up and move it around a bunch so the caterpillars will do their thing and turn into butterflies. You've been warned. Lol)

We did a little flyswatter painting one day, which was entertaining. Two words of advice: 1) Making smacking noises while swatting the flyswatters makes it more fun, evidently. 2) Do yourself a favor and get a 3 pack of flyswatters at the Dollar Store for a buck!

             I was kind of surprised to find our library had a plethora of books on bugs. (Plus it's summer reading program time. Bonus!) I've been trying to get better about reading more in general to the kids. When all else fails, I'll read to Ripley and that usually gets the Jelly Monster interested. Ha ha Whatever works, right? But yah. I also found some fun bug related books that we already have at home, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They're actually reading that at our storytime tomorrow too, so hopefully she'll remember and maybe pay better attention too!
             Other than that, we've worked on letter “Q” a little bit more with dot marker pages, colored a caterpillar and ladybug coloring page, and did some scissor practice sheets as well...And we're only about halfway done with all of the bug-related stuff we have! I have more insect learning activities and workbook-type sheets than I can shake a stick bug at! Needless to say, we probably won't do all of them, and that's ok. There will always be more things we can expand upon next year!

             What have your homeschoolers been up to lately? Are you taking a summer break?

You can find this post on Tot School Gathering Place and
This Is How We Roll Thursday Party
Thinking Outside The Pot

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

JumpSac Soft-Structured Carrier: First Impressions

             Hey folks! I'm excited to say I just recently purchased my first soft-structured carrier! I thought it might be fun to share my initial thoughts on it and compare them to what I think about it in my review after I've been able to try it out for awhile.

  1. First of all, how cute is this? I love the print, especially with the nap hood attached. Plus, I like that it's not dark since we both get hot easily AND it's summer!
  2. There are lots of little “doo-dads”. For someone who's never really used a SSC, it's kind of overwhelming how many different buckles and straps there are.
  3. I like that there's a little pocket on the waistbelt...but I have a feeling I'll forget it's there.
  4. The straps on my mei tai are pretty thin, so I'm digging the cushy shoulder straps and waist belt!
  5. It seems to help take pressure off of my shoulders, compared to the mei tai, which I was hoping for.
  6. I'm having kind of a hard time figuring out how to get it adjusted just right. I'm hoping it's just because I'm not used to SSCs. Hopefully I'll make it to the monthly meeting for our local babywearing group this Sunday so someone with experience can help me out!
  7. The chest clip straps don't stay in place after taking it off and it's really annoying to have to fix each time I put it on.
  8. I'm not entirely convinced I will be able to clip the nap hood into place without help...which I guess is ok for now because Ripley HATES it...Which makes me sad because that was one of the reasons I wanted this. I think this is more of a “my arms don't move that way” than an issue with the carrier design, though. Ha ha
  9. Unless I position the carrier up high, Ripley hates the whole thing altogether too because she sits too far down for her liking. It's not like I've got a long torso either. I'm 5'3”, for God's sake.
  10. This kind of goes along with #6, but I'm having a really hard time getting the shoulder straps to where I don't feel like they're just going to slide off.

            Be sure to stay tuned for my full review in a month or so! To learn more about JumpSac carriers in the mean time, be sure to visit their site.
Thinking Outside The Pot
 photo ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg
Epic Mommy Adventures

Monday, June 20, 2016

5 Reasons to Line Dry

             Hey folks! I just love easy ways to live a little greener of a lifestyle, don't you? Today I'm sharing 5 reasons to consider one of my favorite ways to live a little greener: line drying your clothes (and cloth diapers)!

  1. It's cheaper to set up a clothesline than buying a dryer. You can be hillbillies like us and use cut limbs as poles, but I'm willing to bet that even if you use metal poles and cement, you'll still be saving a ton of money!
  2. Speaking of saving money, you'll be saving money by not paying for the electricity to run your dryer as well.
  3. It's eco-friendly. By not using your dryer as much, you're lessening your carbon footprint.
  4. Line drying helps take out stains. To be honest, this is the main reason I wanted to finish the other half of the drying line we had when we moved into this house. I've heard sunning cloth diapers is awesome for taking out stains and it is!
  5. Hanging clothes up to dry is oddly relaxing. Maybe it's just me. Sometimes it does feel like kind of a pita, but most of the time it's a nice, quiet break for me because Myka usually runs off and torments the chickens while I hang clothes.

             Do you line dry your clothes or cloth diapers? Why or why not?

 photo ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg
Thinking Outside The Pot
Epic Mommy Adventures

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mei Tai Baby Carrier Review

             Hey folks! It's been awhile, but if you've read my previous babywearing-related posts, you'll already know that I really want babywearing to work for us. Both because it's easier with multiple kids and for the snuggle factor, especially since this will probably be our last baby. Now that I've thrown the evil stretchy wraps to the wayside, the mei tai carrier I'm borrowing from a woman in our playdate group has really been a game changer. So, I thought I would give credit where credit is due and share about our experience with it along with some pros and cons if you're in the market for this type of carrier.
             Mei Tai Baby (MTB) offers, you guessed it, mei tai carriers. If you're not familiar with this style of carrier, they are kind of like a cross between a wrap and a soft-structured carrier (SSC). They are similar to wraps in the way that you have to wrap it around your body and tie it, but like a SSC without buckles because it has less fabric than a wrap and skinnier straps. 

             MTB carriers have a lot of perks, including:

-Good price point. At $79, they are about mid-range from what I have seen for mei tais. I have seen Infantino ones and one other brand I can't remember for cheaper, but many other brands for much more.
-I'm not sure if they still offer it or if it is just currently unavailable, but they have tons of really fun color and print options to build your own carrier! They have ready-to-ship models as well.
-Machine washable. If you have one of these, you likely have kids and quite frankly, who has the time or wants to go to the trouble of handwashing something amiright?
-Not NEARLY as hot as wraps! (At least the stretchy ones I am accustomed to.)
-They are a good option for fluffy girls like me. I found a lot more leeway with the shoulder and waist strap length on the Mei Tai baby than I did even with the Wrapy and Boba stretchy wraps I have. There is plenty leftover after tying!
-It comes with two snap tabs near the bottom of the seat on the outside to cinch it together for smaller/younger babies to get a better fit, if needed.

             What I was left longing for:

-A sleep hood. This is the biggest thing for me. It's not a big deal when we're using the carrier outside since I put a sun hat on Little Bit anyways, mostly to keep bugs off, but it would come in handy when we're out and about running errands or going to playdates.

             I also wish the back weren't quite so high. Height-wise, I think it would be better suited for an older baby or toddler. But, from what I have heard from a lot of people, that is the point at which they usually end up getting a SSC anyway for the extra support. Since Little Bit is only 5 months old and only about 2 feet long, it took us awhile to figure out what to do adjustment-wise that worked for us. (Well, her, really.) 

Before we got adjustment figured out. 

             We first tried a rolled up baby blanket for her to sit on, but she was still sitting kind of low. Or at least lower than I think she likes since she likes to look around and has freakishly good back support for still being so young. My husband eventually suggested trying to fold the bottom a few times before tying it on around my waist and that seems to have done the trick finally!

             Honestly, that has been our biggest learning curve with the MTB carrier. For me, it wasn't that hard to learn how to tie it since I was used to the wraps and it's basically the same way. It took me a bit to figure out where to get the criss-cross of the straps in the back to where it felt good for me, but I think that's to be expected from person to person. Sometimes I would get them in a good spot, others it was a bit pinchy. I feel like I finally have the “sweet spot” figured out. There's also something to be said for not tying it too tightly! Obviously you want it to be snug for baby's safety, but don't overdo it, otherwise you won't be comfortable. 

             Overall I'm pretty happy with the Mei Tai Baby carrier. (Especially since I'm borrowing it for free! ;) ) All carriers are going to have at least a little bit of a learning curve. Even with ours, I still noticed both Ripley and I were a lot more comfortable right away than with the stretchy wraps. Now that I have her situated up to where she can look around better, she seems even happier! And you know what they say: A happy baby equals a happy mommy. (People say that, right?)

Much happier campers!

             Visit Mei Tai Baby to purchase your own carrier. You can also view their tutorial on how to wrap and tie it, which does a much better job to illustrate it than I probably could. ;) You can stay up-to-date with MTB on Facebook

I did not receive compensation for this post. This item, as mentioned, is being borrowed from a friend. I have no association with the Mei Tai Baby company.
Thinking Outside The Pot
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