Tuesday, June 30, 2015
My Newfound Hatred of Pocket Diapers
Hey folks! It's been a very long time since I've done a cloth diaper post because, well, I haven't really had anything exciting or useful to say about them! Plus we've been potty training, so we really haven't used them that much lately.
Anyways, I recently had my mom pick up a few pocket diapers from a friend of mine who was getting rid of her stash at a yard sale I couldn't make it to. Although I haven't had much success with the few pocket diapers I've tried in the past, I figured with another baby on the way it wouldn't hurt to have a few extras and they might be more convenient for when family is babysitting. And who knows. Maybe pockets will actually work with this kid. I've read from other bloggers who have a lot more kids than I do that certain types of cloth diapers work well with some of their children and not at all with others.
For the heck of it, I decided to try these out at naptime one day to see if they would even fit Myka. (She's 2 1/2 and about 32 pounds, which is close to the top end of what most cloth diapers will fit.) Plus who doesn't like trying out new cloth diapers, even if they're just new to you? They fit decent, but lo and behold she pooped upon waking up...
Normally this wouldn't be that big of a deal because, again, she's a toddler and her poops are pretty solid most of the time. She's been having more trouble than usual going lately, so my mom bought her some probiotic things to try out. I don't know if they're what did it or not, but she had a really nasty poop. The diaper was a mess. It wasn't so much that I was mad she had a messy poop, but I was not happy about how inconvenient it was to clean off that style of diaper.
Now, I am not the type of person who can just throw a poopy diaper in the wash without rinsing it first. Just the thought of that makes me a little sick. Sorry. Just being honest. So, if I had a sprayer like I used to, it might be a different story. I still think it would be somewhat of a pain in the butt compared to what I'm used to, but it would be better as far as ease of pre-cleaning. I'm used to prefolds/flats and diaper covers. Most of the time poop doesn't even get on the cover, so I'm not wading through poop to pull out an insert like with pocket diapers. Blegh! Plus PUL covers are way easier to clean off.
So, am I saying other people are crazy for using pocket diapers? No, they're just not for me. (The diapers, that is. Not the people. ;) ) I can see how they would be convenient, especially for caregivers who aren't used to cloth diapers/used to disposable diapers. However, I hear that babies who are breastfed have quite runny poop and I can't imagine using these types of diapers during that time, especially with no double leg gussets like this brand! That's one of the reasons I use cloth diapers: so poop doesn't get all over everything! lol
What is your least favorite type of diaper and why? It's ok if you don't like covers. I won't bite your head off. ;) Though I would love to hear why you don't like them.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
TDT: Learning About Letter "H"
Hey folks! With all of the excitement over the news that we're expecting baby #2 and the shenanigans surrounding the house we're trying to buy here and the one we're still trying to sell in Arkansas, I feel like Myka has kind of gotten the shaft lately! I had initially decided to wait until we moved to start doing "school" stuff with her again...but now that things have been put on hold even longer, I decided to un-bury our craft supplies so we could make some fun things while learning about letters again!
Doing our letter crafts has kind of been my informal way of (very) slowly easing both Myka and myself into homeschooling eventually. She seems to enjoy our activities more and more as she gets older, I love looking up and making crafts, so it's been fun for both of us.
This week we picked up with letter "H". As usual, we included a coloring page, a Do.A.Dot marker page, and some animal crafts. I find the majority (if not all) of the crafts we do on Pinterest, so I've included the links to the pins/posts below, if interested.
"'H' for Hat" Coloring Page
"'H' is for House" Do.A.Dot Page
"'H' is for Heart" Collage
"'H' is for Horse" Craft
Hippo Craft
The next letter should be interesting since it's "I". There aren't a whole lot of things that begin with "I", let alone things my 2 1/2 year old is going to have any clue what they are! lol Oh well. I guess that's why we're learning, right? :)
How do you help your children learn the alphabet?
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Things Moms Don't Warn You About With Your First Pregnancy
Hey folks! Practically everyone knows that pregnancy usually comes with some interesting, but common, symptoms, such as stretch marks, food aversions (or cravings), weight gain, etc. But, did you know there are lots of other things that can happen to you during pregnancy (some common, some not so common) that many women don't hear about from other moms until after the fact? Below are just some of the side effects of pregnancy that I and my readers found out about the hard way!
*Your feet can grow. In fact, I used to wear an 8 1/2 in women's shoes and now wear a 9 1/2-10!
*Your nose can become stuffy...a lot. My nose was mildly stuffy the entire time I was pregnant with my daughter. I've been having sinus problems lately and I'm hoping it's not starting all over again!
*You start feeling like a human furnace. With all of your raging hormones, you may find yourself asking often, "Is it hot in here or is it just me?"
*You can also turn into a bloodhound. This also happened to me when I was pregnant with Myka. Unfortunately, it never went away and is more of a curse than a blessing!
*Body parts will get bigger, even ones you might not suspect like your butt!
*You can actually be allergic to your growing baby! Quoted from reader:
"PUPPPs. Short version is that your body
is allergic to the baby, large percentage of time a male, but not
always. I broke out in an inconsolable itchy rash from my belly
button down. Dig until you bleed and it still itches. Nothing cures
it but giving birth. Good times. This was my 5th baby that I
discovered this fabulous disease exist." Wow! Most of the time it occurs in first time mothers, but as our reader stated, that's not always the case.
*Some women actually go temporarily blind while pregnant due to hypertension, inflammation in the eyes, etc. Who knew? Luckily, it seems to be more common for your vision to just change slightly during pregnancy, then go back to normal afterwards. So hold off on getting new glasses or contacts!
*That swelling in your extremities? It doesn't always go away as soon as the baby is born. My feet didn't stop swelling for a good week after Myka was born.
*Hemorrhoids: Very real and very uncomfortable. One reader stated she got to the point where she didn't even want to eat! Ouch!
*Baby bellies are not always perfectly round like you might imagine. Some babies just really like hanging out on a certain side!
*"Hiccups in the crotch", one reader responded with. I think I have an idea of what she is referring to as well. Especially near the end of my first pregnancy, I would get random "twinges" in my crotch. It's an interesting experience, to say the least.
*Legs randomly falling asleep.
*It becomes damn near impossible to shave "down there". Your legs aren't much easier.
*Some women experience cramping in their abdomen during the first trimester...and it is totally normal most of the time as your uterus expands.
What pregnancy symptoms did you experience? Did you have any uncommon ones not listed above? I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below!
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Lansinoh Double Electric Breast Pump Giveaway
Win the Lansinoh Signature Pro™ Double Electric Breast Pump!
Hosted by: Capturing The Moment
Sponsored by: Lansinoh
I have the old model of Lansinoh's Double Electric Breast Pump. And, while I didn't get to use it for long due to issues with breastfeeding, I am a fan! It's easy enough to use with plenty of options without getting complicated. It's suction was definitely a lot better than a cheaper brand I had bought before this one too! You get what you pay for! -MBM
This awesome breast pump is new and improved from Lansinoh. With so many features available, you will have ease while pumping your liquid gold. Lansinoh is dedicated to breastfeeding women and has a variety of amazing products that will help you along your breastfeeding journey. They not only have products that will help you if you are struggling while breastfeeding, but they also have groups that you can join with women who are in the same situation as you!
So, why not splurge a little and pick up their beautiful Double Electric Breast Pump. It's easy to use, and easy to take care of. If you are a mother who is pumping your milk, or planning on pumping after your baby is born, check out these important guidelines over at Capturing The Moment.
The Lansinoh Signature Pro™ Double Electric Breast Pump can be purchased for $140 online or at your local retailer who carries it.
Thanks to the amazing bloggers who are helping promote this, and a big thanks to Lansinoh for sponsoring the giveaway so you awesome mommies out there have the opportunity to win it!
Enter to win below!
Giveaway starts June 20th and ends July 6th at midnight. Open to US residents, 18+ only. CTM and other bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. CTM will follow up with the sponsor if the prize is not received within a timely manner. Winner will have 24 hours to respond to winning email or forfeit the prize to a new winner.Disclaimer: CTM received product from Lansinoh and is a Lansinoh sponsored blogger, this does not alter their opinion in any way. Bloggers associated with this group giveaway are not responsible for prize fulfillment and are not affiliated with the product or sponsor in this post. This giveaway is not associated with any social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Jungle Roo Cloth Diaper Giveaway
Welcome to the Jungle Roo Cloth Diapers Giveaway
Hosted by Pocket Diaper Details
- One Size Pocket diaper with a modern design
- Soft and Stretchy fabric provides a comfortable fit for baby
- Snap closure for quick and easy diaper changes
- Waterproof, yet breathable outer fabric (TPU) is both soft and durable
- Super Soft fleece inside
- One 3-layer microfiber insert included with every diaper
- Wash on warm or hot, tumble dry low
- One size fits 9-30lbs.
- Leg Gussets
This giveaway runs until June 30 at 11:59pm and is open to US residents, age 18+. I wish you all lots of luck!
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Monday, June 15, 2015
A Minimalist's Guide to Packing Your Hospital Bag for Baby
Hey folks! I'm sure many of you, especially you ladies who already have children or are expecting one soon, have come across blog posts and articles on what you should pack in your hospital bag for the arrival of your baby. This is another one of those posts...with a twist.
Now that we're expecting baby #2, my well-meaning mother sent me a pin on Pinterest the other day linked to one of these very posts. It's not the first time I've seen one of these posts, but I still found most of the items on the author's "essential list" to be, well, a bit silly, in my opinion, and superfluous. So, it got the gears turning for me to come up with my own list. After all, I can't be the only one who doesn't consider makeup a necessity, right?
*Comfy Clothes-Whether you have a vaginal birth or c-section, you'll want some comfy clothes to mill around in after you're able to take a shower. I'm mainly talking about pants, of course. If you have a vaginal birth, I'm guessing you probably don't want them too snug in the crotchal region. If you have a c-section, make sure the waist fits away from your incision so it's not rubbing or pressing against that area. (Most incisions are made very low these days, so unless you're wearing hoochy mama pants, you should be ok.)
*Slippers/Warm Socks-I always thought this one was silly when I came across it before I had Myka, but it actually makes sense. Hospitals are cold. Even when you're not walking around, those blankets and sheets aren't exactly thick. Plus, if you end up getting a c-section, the anesthesia can give you the chills, bad! (Like, uncontrollable shaking chills. Trust me. It was annoying more than anything.)
*Camera-Even if you take the majority of your pictures and videos on your phone (and who doesn't nowadays?), still take your camera! You can easily save them to a cd or your computer and/or take them somewhere to make prints right away.
*Chargers for Camera, Phones, Etc.-Don't forget the chargers! It defeats the purpose of having your camera, phone, iPads, etc. to take pictures, let the whole world know about your bundle of joy, keep yourself entertained during the quiet times, etc. if you let the juice run out! I think the birth of a child would be just about one of the worst situations in which to not have a camera of some sort!
*Clothes for Baby-From what I have gathered from my own experience and that of Facebook friends, some hospitals let you use your own clothes for baby during your stay and some don't until you leave. So, if you're not sure, bring enough outfits for a couple of days. (That means extras because babies can be messy. :) )
*Blankets-Even if you have your baby in the middle of summer, I would still at least bring a receiving blanket or two because, again, hospitals are cold!
*Cash for Snacks, Drinks, Etc.-Hubby needs to eat too. ;)
*Car Seat!-Ok, obviously you can't fit this in a bag, but it's still very important to remember, of course! You won't be getting far from the hospital if you do.
*Toiletries-I was hesitant to put this on the optional list since some of you may not think they are, but most hospitals can provide you with soap and shampoo while you're there. And towels and wash rags, of course.
*Nursing Bra & Pads-If you're planning on nursing, you definitely might want to bring these items. Leaky boobs happen. Heck, even if you're not going to nurse, you may still want to bring some nursing pads just to be safe.
*Postpartum Pads-You'll get some of these from the hospital too, of course, but you might want to bring your own (can you say "way more comfortable mama cloth"?) for comfort's sake.
*Entertainment-Unless you just have a bajillion guests, let's face it: It can get kind of boring in a hospital, especially if you have no visitors, the baby is sleeping, or you just can't sleep. You might bring something to keep you occupied in the down times, such as a book, a craft, Kindle, etc.
*Cloth Diapers-If you're planning on using them and really hardcore about using them right away, you might go ahead and bring them. Honestly, I don't know what most hospitals' policy is on them since I'm guessing they're probably "weird about it" like daycare centers, so you might check ahead of time.
What did you take with you to the hospital? Did you stick to the basics or did you bring everything but the kitchen sink?
Plant Therapy KidSafe Essential Oil Synergies Giveaway
Plant Therapy KidSafe Synergies Giveaway
Hosted by Tales From A Southern Mom
Co-hosted by Michigan Saving and More
Sponsored by Plant Therapy
There are many essential oils that are safe for kids, but when you are a novice in that area it is hard to know what is right for them to use. After doing a lot of research on essential oils in kids and their safety we came across planttherapy.com. Julie from Tales From A Southern Mom reviewed two of their Kid Safe essential oil synergies, you can read her complete thoughts here.Plant Therapy has just about every kind of essential oil you could want, along with carrier oils, diffusers, roll-ons, and, of course, they have a line of synergy mixes called Kid Safe. Plant Therapy is helping to spread awareness about these products by giving away two of their mixes, Nighty Night and Sniffle Stopper. Enter below and Good Luck!
Participating bloggers were not compensated and are not responsible for this giveaway.No purchase required to enter this giveaway and there is a limit of one entrant per household. Void where prohibited. All entries are optional. A new winner will be chosen if the original winner(s) has not responded within 48 hours of email notification. Tales From A Southern Mom is not responsible for shipment of the prize(s). Sponsor is responsible for all shipping this prize. This giveaway is not administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or other social media outlet. This is posted in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Any questions, email julie.talesfromasouthernmom@gmail.com
Friday, June 12, 2015
Best of the Best Summer Giveaway
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Items were received for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
Welcome to the "Best of the Best Summer Giveaway"! This giveaway features some of the best products that have been featured on Karen's Got Mail. I have teamed up with a great group of bloggers for this giveaway!
Best of the Best Summer Giveaway Prize Package Includes -
Silkberry Baby - One Bamboo Ruffle Romper (Girl) (ARV $25.99)
(Color options: Ikat bloom, Lemon print, Apple print, Sizes available: nb-3m, 3-6m, 6-12m)
- One of each 5 flavors of toothpaste (Banana, Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Raspberry and Strawberry)
- One Silicone Tooth and Gum Brush
- One Dino Bio Brush
- One Wash Bag (ARV $55)
- One Coconut Water Electrolyte Drink with Pears + Berries
- One Coconut Water Electrolyte Drink with Banana + Ginger
- One Amaaazing Apple + Zucchini Smoothie Drink
- One Mmmighty Strawberry + Red Beet Smoothie Drink
- One Superrr Sweet Potato + Mango Smoothie Drink
- One Made to Matter, Handpicked by Target Canvas Tote Bag
Dansko - One pair of the Sophie Sandal (ARV $120)
Fresh Baby - Prize Package (ARV $39)
- Eco-Friendly Water Bottle
- Kid’s Collapsible Water Bottle
- Farm Fresh Market Bag
- Farmer’s Market Tip Sheet
- 2 Pop Maker and Snack Pouch
- MyPlate Foam Puzzle
- So Easy Toddler Food Cookbook
Radius - One Tour Travel Toothbrush and one Totz Plus Toothbrush (ARV $10)
Plum Hill - One Plum Hill Essentials featuring all natural body care products that are good for your skin and good for the planet. This gift set includes 2 oz. versions of the sugar body scrub, body oil, hand and body wash and a lip balm. Available in five scents: Asian Pear & Lily, Coconut Lime, Cranberry Orange, Island Woods and Winter Vanilla (ARV $19)
Me4Kidz - One Medipro First Aid Kit Pod (ARV $10.99). Each First Aid Pod includes 100 items to keep you prepared for your basic first aid needs.
Oemi Baby - One Oemi Baby Bag in Grey (ARV $295)
Cookie Cutter Kingdom - Summertime Cookie Cutters (ARV $18)
- Sandcastle
- Pail
- Swim shorts
- Surf board
- Sunglasses
Karen's Got Mail and the participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations. This giveaway is not associated with any social media platform, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Medela "Back to Work" Giveaway
Welcome to The Medela Back To Work Giveaway
Hosted by Miss Frugal Mommy & Sponsored by Medela
Prize Package Will Include:
- Medela Quick Clean Bags - Disinfect breastpump breastshields, accessories, breastmilk bottles, nipples, pacifiers and more in about 3 minutes. Quick Clean Micro-Steam bags are part of the Quick Clean family of products and are great for work, travel & end of day cleaning!
- Medela Quick Clean Soap - Quick Clean breastmilk removal soap removes stubborn breastmilk residue up to 3 days old and is clinically tested under physician supervision not to cause skin irritation. No-scrub soap is safe and hypoallergenic with no added fragrance or taste that might discourage baby from breastfeeding.
- Medela Quick Clean Wipes - Convenient portable cleaning, no need for soap and water cleaning after each pump session. Hygienic wipes proven safe for cleaning of breastpumps and accessories as well as high chairs, tables, cribs and countertops.
- Medela Pump & Save Bags 20ct - Save time- pump or pour into bag with the new easy-connect adaptor for fast, easy breastmilk storage. Oxygen barrier preserves & protects breastmilk nutrients. No-leak, easy-to-close zipper top and no-spill, stand-up bottom.
- Medela Lanolin - Advanced Nipple Therapy™ Lanolin offers soothing relief and provides protection to sore nipples. Our lanolin is made from all natural ingredients and glides on smoothly and gently.
- Medela Disposable Bra Pads 30ct - The disposable nursing pads offer great value. They have excellent absorbency and leak protection - day or night and are discreet, comfortable and keep moms dry.
- Medela Shoulder Bag (Medela double pump kit, cooler and ice pack) – Make your breastpump portable with a Medela Breastpump Bag Set. Comes with a complete Pump In Style® Advanced double pumping kit and a spare cooler with a contoured ice pack.
- Medela Breastfeeding University Card - Medela's Breastfeeding University is a collection of online courses and videos designed to help prepare expectant and existing mothers, fathers and even grandparents for the experience of breastfeeding.
I was not compensated for this post. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, administered or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. If you have any questions, concerns or would like your product featured in the next giveaway, please contact Miss Frugal Mommy via email: MsFrugalMommy@hotmail.com
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Easy Peasy Patches Giveaway
These are great patches to let your little ones express themselves. You can add these great durable patches to anything. Cloths, backpacks, bean bags, anywhere.
They have so many different shapes, styles, colors, and patterns to choose from, you can find one for anyone.
For my Review CLICK HERE
Thank you for stopping by.
If you have any questions about this giveaway please email me at grovesamy81@gmail.com
Mixed Bag Mama is not responsible for prize fulfillment and was not compensated for this post. This giveaway is not affiliated with any social media platform, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Spectra S2 Breast Pump Giveaway

Hosted By: Ramblings of Mama
Sponsored By: Spectra Baby USA
The Spectra S2 Breast Pump is a double pump with a hospital grade, closed system unit that provides a uniquely individual pumping experience for you. The Spectra S2 has an extremely quiet motor, with a letdown (massage) mode to help maximize your breast milk output. It also has hospital grade vacuum, with an extremely comfortable cycle that doesn't rip your nips! There is no other pump like this on the market. It's extremely affordable and ideal for moms of preemies, exclusive pumpers, or just the mom that needs a quality pump.
Giveaway Rules:
One lucky reader will win a Spectra S2 Breast Pump (ARV $259).
Open to US ONLY, 18 years or older to enter.
Winners will be chosen at random through Random.org.
Ends June 30th at 11:59pm PST.
Winner will be notified via email and has 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected.
Only one entrant per household.
Void where prohibited.
Good Luck!
Be sure to follow Ramblings of Mama via Facebook, Instagram, and via email
for exclusive content, reviews, giveaways, and mama tips!
for exclusive content, reviews, giveaways, and mama tips!
Disclosure: No compensation was received for this posting. Ramblings of Mama and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other social media outlets and released of any liability. This disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Links enclosed may contain affiliate links. If you have any questions or would like your product or company featured on Ramblings of Mama, please Contact Michelle
BBT Charting Update: It Finally Paid Off!
Hey folks! As you can see above, I have some exciting news to share: Owen baby #2 is on the way! Hubby and I are both super excited...And especially glad it didn't take as long as it did with Myka. Nine months is a lot more bearable than 3 years...Although technically we haven't not been trying since Myka was around a year/year and a half old. I know. TMI.
Speaking of TMIs, now that there is a bun in the oven I will be doing pregnancy updates (with brutal honesty about how this little sea monkey is wreaking havoc on my body) instead of BBT charting updates for obvious reasons. Good thing too since I was slacking on them anyways. I had been putting them off for awhile because I got my hopes up last month. Who knows. Maybe I did have an early miscarriage for all I know. Let's just keep our fingers crossed this baby sticks! (I'm writing this post well in advance before I plan on publishing it since I'm one of those people who is superstitious about letting the world know about pregnancies before 12/13 weeks along, so it's probably safe to assume everything is going well if you're reading this. ;) )
So, while over the past two months my cycles have gotten much more consistent, they were still taking like 44 days. O.o The midwife should have fun calculating my due date. ha ha Since I took one of those fancy pregnancy tests that guesses how far along you are and I looked back over my chart, I am guessing I am about 6, maybe close to 7 weeks along. (Writing this on 5/19) So, while I'm not looking forward to having a winter baby, he or she should be due around my birthday in January!
Symptoms...ah, what is pregnancy without a few symptoms? And this is coming from the person who had it super easy the first time. I only threw up once! (Go ahead. Hate me.) So far this pregnancy is quite different from my first, though I'm still not sure how I didn't see the signs sooner. First of all, my boobs are going crazy already. I've never been the person with the sore boobs before visits from Aunt Flo, so that should have been a red flag. It's not so much that they are sore all over. It's mostly my nipples, which is really strange for me! There are already some days where my boobs feel like they're going to explode, though. I didn't even have these problems when I was pregnant with Myka. I think my body is trying to overcompensate where it lacked the first time. lol
I've always been having what I can only guess hot flashes feel like, especially in my face. Not going to complain about that too much, though, as I'm taking that as a good sign that my hormones are doing their job.
The thing that finally got me to take a pregnancy test, though (and you're going to laugh at how random it is), is that my face got sunburned last Wednesday. I had been doing some yard work at the new house while John worked on the inside. I was trying to figure out why I was the only one who got burnt when I wasn't even in the sun all that much. Given, my husband and daughter tan a lot easier than I do, but still. Then it dawned on me...because I found out the hard way the first time that people weren't joking about your skin being more prone to sunburns while pregnant! So, sure enough, the blue plus sign on the top right test popped up right away. Being a little OCD and completely shocked, I took the two in the bottom left right away as well...And the "fancy" one in the bottom right the next day. lol (I even took another one a couple days ago, but this is already running longer than I meant, so that's a story for another time. :D)
Have any of you found out recently that you're pregnant too? I'd love to hear what made you decide to take the test! (No matter how ridiculous the reason. ;) )
Thursday, June 4, 2015
My Oil Gear Review
Hey folks! I know many of you like using essential oils, whether it be for remedies for common ailments, aromatherapy, used in homemade bath products, or something else. However, do you ever find yourself wondering where you could find special bottles and containers just for your homemade essential oil concoctions? If so, I have just the site you've been looking for!
My Oil Gear is designed for just that: to provide you with all the gear you could need to use with your essential oils! They have a great line of glassware, including spray bottles, roll ons, and vials with droppers, as well as accessories such as pipettes, lip balm containers, and labels. And, if DIY products aren't your thing, they offer a variety of diffusers as well. Last, but not least, and probably most importantly, yes, their prices are affordable!
As you can see in the picture above, we've already gotten busy putting some of our new containers to the test. Myka loves helping and using the cleaning spray and, since we make our own that's not full of yucky chemicals, I'm happy to let her! This bottle is the perfect size for her too since it is small and she can actually get her tiny hand to work the trigger. I had a really bad headache Sunday and part of Monday earlier this week. So, for one of the roll-on bottles I decided to mix up some headache relief, which just consisted of cedarwood and lavender essential oils and a carrier oil. I've only used it once, but it seemed to help!
I think my husband was getting a little jealous that I was mixing up a bunch of fun stuff with our review samples, so he asked if he could play with one. ha ha He ended up making a room spray in the smaller mister. (The one you can't read the label to, surprise, surprise. ha!) I was kind of surprised since we never use stuff like that. Last, but not least, I am trying out some bug repellent on the end. I like simple, so it is just water, witch hazel, citronella, cedarwood, and tea tree oils. We make a citronella and cedarwood dog wash when our Etsy shop is up and running and it seems to work well for keeping bugs away. That's why I chose those specific oils.
Speaking of our Etsy store, while I've not found a purpose for the little tiny sample bottles shown in the first picture yet, they would make great salve samples when we finally get around to making them! You could also do like my husband's cousin did and make up sample essential oil blends for your friends and family. (She made a sleepy time one for me to use on Myka!) The possibilities are endless!
Even though we just started using them, the quality of all of the containers seems really good. Even with Myka's cleaner being in a glass bottle, it seems like very thick, sturdy glass, so I'm not too concerned about her dropping it and breaking it. The roll-on tops seemed to fit in a lot more snugly too than a previous one I had purchased elsewhere. Overall so far, we're impressed!
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to My Oil Gear and start experimenting with your own essential oil concoctions! You can also stay up-to-date with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
MyShower Giveaway
Sponsor: MyShower
Prize: MyShower, the smart bath and shower organizer to replace your dated and frustrating shower caddy.
MyShower helps you get the last drop out of every bottle of product, regardless of the shape of the bottle. And when you replace your inconvenient shower caddy with the stylish design and flexibility of MyShower, you’ll have something to sing about in the shower.
Dates: 6/2-6/16
Open to: US Residents 18+
Enter to win using the widget below. Good luck!
Pouch Pal Giveaway
Sponsor: Pouch Pal
Prize: 1 Pouch Pal and 5 assorted food pouches
Pouch Pal is the non-squeezable, mess-preventing, cap-keeping, time-saving food pouch case. Its rigid shape and child-resistant latches ensure that the food pouch within can’t be squeezed by little hands. Its solid, curvy figure is easy to grasp and fosters independence as your baby learns to self-feed. Pouch Pal comes in a groovy turquoise that’s great for all kids. Simple, ingenious, and stylish, Pouch Pal fits in a cup holder and has a built-in space on bottom to hold the food pouch cap, so you aren’t left with more bits to hold or throw away. While baby is eating, the food pouch cap is conveniently stored for you. In the event that there is enough left in the pouch for round two, just pop the cap back on until it’s snack time again.
Pinch and push technology is the key to avoiding annoying vacuum seals. Say goodbye to readjusting, sliding, pinching, rolling, or curling the food pouch. With its sides pinched and bottom pushed up, the little food pouch inside Pouch Pal is in prime position for the food to flow. No pouch Olympics necessary. Pouch Pal is top rack dishwasher-safe. Of course, Pouch Pal is BPA- and phthalate-free. Sign up to be notified as soon as Pouch Pal is released here and be sure to show Pouch Pal some love on facebook, twitter , Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube.
Dates: 6/2-6/16
Open to: US Residents 18+
Enter to win using the widget below. Good luck!
Mixed Bag Mama was not compensated for this post nor responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is not associated with any social media platform, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Newborn Cloth Diaper & More Shower Giveaway
What is a blogger to do when she's expecting the birth of her 5th little blessing? Hold a baby shower event to celebrate this exciting time! Conservamom is expecting the birth of 5.0 and she's so excited waiting for his/her arrival (She's Team Green), that she wanted to shower her fans with prizes as well! Because she's been blessed with trying out so many great brands it was only fitting that she pass on the fun and excitement to her readers with an amazing baby shower event. She's teamed up with over 29 of the best Baby & cloth diapering companies around to bring her readers the chance at some amazing prizes! So are you ready to find out what the prizes are?
Spray Pal Diaper Sprayer & Spray Pal $75 Spray Pal is a must for any cloth diapering parent. Spray Pal is a cloth diaper splatter shield you can use with your diaper sprayer to clean the EASY way. You won't just fall in love with the product but with the Family behind Spray pal. Check out this innovative product sure to make your life so much easier when spraying your diapers.
Happy Heinys Mini 1-size & Newborn diapers $37.90 Happy Heiny diapers is an line of quality cloth diapers that was purchased by Super Moms Katie and Addie in the spring of 2013. Katie is a wife and mother of five and Addie is a mom of three. Together their passion for natural parenting has been channeled into this wonderful diaper. With such a variety and selection including a unique micro mini that can be used on babies as little as 1-3 pounds, they've made diapers to help your little ones grow in cloth from birth and beyond.
Imagine Diapers (3 newborn diapers) $41.82 The Imagine All-in-One Cloth Diaper is lined with a super soft fleece inner, keeping baby dry, complimented with a waterproof PUL outer, keeping leaks in. The included fleece-lined, 4-layer microfiber soaker pad snaps into the front of the diaper for added absorbency, but is removable for a quicker dry time after wash. The gentle leg casings prevent leaks while keeping your baby comfortable. The Imagine All-in-One Cloth Diaper is available in 5 beautiful colors and comes in either snap or hook & loop closure. The snap closure features high quality, durable snaps and the hook & loop closure feature large folding tabs for easy laundering. Zookaboo Diapers Five newborn (7 to 10lbs) cloth diaper covers $60.00 Zookaboo is a small-batch manufacturer of handmade baby and children's apparel and cloth diapers. Their quality is unsurpassed using the trendiest prints and fabrics in the market. Zookaboo brings forward gorgeous creations for babies and kids that will have you wanting more! These gorgeous covers are PUL lined with fun outer cotton prints. All have double row of snaps.
Ovella Wool Balls 6 pack of Dryer balls $31.95 Ovella Wool features handmade wool products. Located in Midland, Michigan, their wool is from local, farm-raised sheep. They hand dye their wool in small lots, and take pride in the products that they offer. Don't forget to check out these quality, beautiful wools and make a change in the right direction when it comes to saving money and living eco-friendly.
Nicki's Diapers- 3NB Bamboo $41.85 Nicki's Diapers Newborn Bamboo All-in-One Cloth Diaper is lined with buttery soft, yet incredibly absorbent bamboo with a complimenting waterproof outer. It fits approximately 5-13 pounds.
Green Path Baby: 2 Little Joey Diapers $29.95 GreenPath Baby is a mom-owned cloth diapering store. They are dedicated to helping their customers discover the best cloth diaper as well as natural products for babies at every price point. They currently offer cloth diapers, baltic amber necklaces, woven wraps, detergents, and a great variety of natural products for moms and babies. Everything you need in one place! They believe in mindful parenting, green living and cloth diaper advocacy. Apple Cheeks -1 Little Bundle $28.95 Apple Cheeks are a fabulous washable diapering system. The ecologically-minded business women behind these gorgeous diapers really know what they are talking about when it comes to washable diapering not only from their own personal experiences, but also because they have listened to their customers over the years. This Canadian-made system is one of the trimmest, best-fitting diapers on the market, backed by unparalleled customer care!
The Little Bee Co. New Born Diaper Package $105 The Little Bee Co. is a modern cloth diaper company dreamed up by a mom with a vision to make a change! Little Bee Diapers carry the cutest selection of diapers around with various systems that fit your child's and cloth diapering needs, not only will you find some fantastic style diapers but some gorgeous colors as well. Little Bee is a leader in giving back. For every diaper sold they donate a diaper to a baby in need.
Zephyrhill Blog:Funky Fluff Real Teal Stay Dry Diaper with two inserts ($20.99) Zephyrhill Blog is a helpful, friendly place for families to learn, swap experiences, and just have fun. This super mother of seven kids here on earth and one in Heaven is filled with some great reviews, recipes and so much more! Follow her on all the fun!
Smart Bottoms : Newborn Diaper & Pail $34 Smart Bottoms offers an organic cloth diapering system that is 100% made in the United States. These high quality products are available at a reasonable price, so all families can provide the finest for their little ones. You can find the cutest prints and sleekest AIO in the market made with amazing quality! Make sure and check out this amazing family-owned business!
Hanchell Baby Swaddle blanket set & Bamboo Washcloths $99.00 Hanchell Babies is committed to making your life easier by providing you with a range of high-quality products which you can trust time and time again. They understand you won't compromise on the needs of your baby and neither will they. They've researched, developed and commercialized leading baby products which give you peace of mind and meet your needs in the care and love of your baby. They are continuously adding new products to their line so don't miss out on all the exciting things going on! Their promise is to not sacrifice quality in the pursuit of profit and to always use rigorous selection criteria to either eliminate products that do not meet their standards or identify what must be done to improve the product they bring before you!
Joovy Moon Room $189.99 Joovy [joo-vee] is a family gear company offering lifestyle products in eight key categories. The Joovy product philosophy incorporates modern, functional, high quality features at value-driven price points with an emphasis on durability and utility. Since 2005, Joovy has created products for the contemporary family on the go. The Joovy catalog features exceptional, trend-setting products manufactured with high quality components and materials, ensuring quality with every purchase. You can check out Conservamom's Review of the Joovy Moon room here. 7A.M Enfant Hamper Bag $50 Founded by French designer Rebecca Campora, 7 A.M.® ENFANT offers a wide selection of versatile, urban and stylish baby accessories combining good design, fashion and versatility. Always focused on designing accessible lines, Rebecca Campora’s philosophy is to meet parents' desires and needs by anticipating the trends and movements. Her cutting edge, yet simple vision has reinforced the strong identity of the brand now highly successful on all continents. You can check out Conservamom's Review of The 7 A.M Enfant Hamper Bag here.
NurtureMe $55 Prize Pack Includes: 4 bags organic quinoa baby cereals,1 pouch each nurturmeal blend + nurtureal quinoa, 4 yum-a-roo toddler snacks,1 re-useable eco pouch,1 BPA free baby spoon, 1 coupon, 1 informative quinoa bookmark NurturMe is the first and only family of certified-organic, dried fruit and veggie meals and snacks created to nourish healthy growth and overall wellness in little ones. Bursting with vital nutrients and fresh organic flavor, NuturMe’s Quinoa infant cereals, dried NurturMeals baby food and Yum-a-Roo’s toddler snacks help parents feed their children better from first bites to first steps, and everywhere in between. NurturMe provides innovative and sustainable options for busy, modern parents to help ensure their children are getting the nutrition they need to live a yummy life – including the first 100% pure quinoa alternative to traditional rice cereals, dry pouch infant meals that can be mixed with breast milk or formula for added nutrients, and healthy toddler snacks that deliver 1.5 servings of fruit AND veggies in each pouch. Made from specially selected super fruits and veggies that are quick-dried in order to preserve freshness, flavor and vital nutrients, NurturMe baby and toddler foods are certified organic, gluten-free, non-GMO and kosher, with no added preservatives, sugars or salts. Good for baby and Mother Earth, NurturMe’s dried fruit and veggie foods are super lightweight and made in the USA, leaving a smaller carbon footprint on our planet than the other options found in the baby aisle. Additionally, every 3-pack box of NurturMe Eco-Pouches keeps more than 45 plastic baby food squeeze pouches out of our landfills. Please visit nurturme.com for additional information, including pricing and where to purchase NurturMe products. Visit us at Facebook.com/nurturme, Twitter.com/nurturme and Instagram Instagram - @NurturMe_ http://instagram.com/nurturme_ for special promotions, recipes, new products and more.
MAM USA $75 Prize Pack MAM produces standard-setting baby products. MAM combines technological innovation, medical function and contemporary design to develop superior baby care products that support a baby’s development from day one. Since MAM developed its first soother in Vienna in 1976, it has evolved to become a global authority on baby care product design and quality. Today MAM products are used by families in over 50 countries and on five continents. To find out more and view MAM’s baby care range of award-winning pacifiers, bottles, cups, teethers, oral care items and coordinating accessories visit www.mambaby.com.
Pacapod Trio Bag $140.00 No matter where you wander, everything’s in place with PacaPod, the only baby changing bag on the market with a unique and ingenious 3- in-1 organization system. Inside every PacaPod is the brain behind the bag, a Feeder and Changer pod to hygienically separate feeding from changing. PacaPod’s award-winning bags work as a designer baby bag, cool bag, mini changing bag and changing mat all rolled into one. Founded by mom and clothing designer Jacqueline Waggett, U.K.-based PacaPod offers more than 15 bag styles in four collections with bags ranging in price from $120-$520. PacaPod can be currently found globally in 13 countries. For more information visit www.pacapod.com. Check out Conservamom's review here.
B.Box Essential Diaper Caddy $64 Australia based b.box was founded in 2007 by Dannielle Michaels and Monique Filer. The award winning b.box collection of innovative design led everyday baby essentials includes This light and portable change station ensures you have everything you need for diaper changing wherever you are around the home. Great space saver for apartment living and ideal for two-storey homes. Also makes a great art caddy or home organizer once your little one is toilet trained. Just pop a tissue box where the wipes box goes. BPA, Phthalates and PVC free.
Baby Comfy Care $12.99 Baby Comfy Nose nasal aspirator uses your own suction to quickly and hygienically remove children’s nasal mucus. Significantly more effective than bulb and battery aspirators because your natural lung suction is so much stronger. The design of the aspirator eliminates any possibility of contact with mucus and germs. Insert a tissue into the aspirator as a filter so there’s nothing else to buy. The unit comes with two nose tips: standard and newborn. Medical grade soft nose tip and mouth piece. The mesh storage pouch keeps all the pieces together in the dishwasher, then hang to dry and it’s ready for the diaper bag. Three colors options are ideal for siblings and multiples. BPA and phthalate-free.
ZenRocks 2 necklaces $30 ZenRocks are a stylish new twist on teething jewelry for mom and baby. Zen-Rocks features completely new, never before seen or produced designs, made from non-toxic silicone. Zen-Rocks are
- BPA-free
- No phthalates
- Cadmium and lead free
- Safe for chewing, teething and sensory seeking
- Stylish
- Affordable
Konfidence Baby warma & Aqua Nappy $45.98 The Konfidence™ Babywarma™ Swimsuit is specially designed to keep baby warm and secure while in the water. The super-soft neoprene suit provides a snug fit for a comfortable and secure feel, making time spent swimming fun, relaxed and happy.
- Made of 2mm neoprene, suit fits snugly around baby's body, providing optimum warmth, comfort, and security for your child
- Soft Lycra® edging is gentle against skin and helps prevent chafing
- Provides 100% UV protection on covered parts
- Suit opens out completely flat so it is easy to wrap baby up perfectly every time
- Neoprene material gives a much better grip for parent/care giver in and around the pool or changing room making it much safer carrying the little one.
- Easy-open diaper flap (bottom opening) allows for changing baby without having to take off the entire swimsuit
- Fully-adjustable Velcro® fasteners for a perfect fit every time
- Grows with baby from 3mths to 30mths, offering great value compared with both disposable swim diapers and alternative, sized reusable ones.
- The One Size Aquanappy Swim Diaper is perfect for preventing little accidents at the pool or beach
- Open-flat design with Velcro® and popper fastening for a completely adjustable and comfortable fit
- Fun, modern patterns and colors for added style
- Soft elasticized waist and leg openings ensure comfort
- Easy to clean and reusable diaper cover
- An eco-friendly choice over disposable swim diapers
- Less bulky than disposables and perfect for vacations and traveling
- One size fits babies from 3 months to 30 months
Pediped 2 Shoes RV $70 Exceptional quality, unsurpassed comfort, and distinctive styling have made the award-winning company the fastest growing children's footwear brand in the United States. pediped® footwear has been awarded the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance for the promotion of healthy foot development, and preeminent orthopedic medical professionals, Dr. Mininder S. Kocher and Dr. Thomas W. Vorderer, deem pediped® shoes an excellent choice for parents/caregivers who want their children’s feet to develop naturally and healthily. pediped® has received numerous industry awards and accolades including recognition from Earnshaw’s, the premier media resource serving the children’s market. In 2015 pediped® was recognized by the Footwear Industry Awards as the Children’s Footwear Brand of the Year, was awarded Best Toddler Kicks in the Cribsie Awards and Best Children’s Shoes by Prima Baby Magazine. In 2014, Earnshaw’s recognized pediped® with an Earnie Award for Best Footwear, and earned a 2014 Family Choice Award and 1st place Reader Favorite Award from Baby & Children’s Product News. pediped® is sold in over 2,500 stores in the United States and 40 countries worldwide with an offering of more than 150 designs for boys and girls between its three lines, Originals®, Grip ‘n’ Go™ and Flex®. The award-winning footwear is available in EU sizes 17 to 36 (US newborn to 4.5 Youth). For more information, visit www.pediped.com or call 1-702-567-0311. LIKE on Facebook at /pedipedfootwear and follow on Twitter and Instagram @pedipedfootwear.
Baby Blanket Music $44.97 Founded by Josh Rutt, New York-based Baby Blanket Music offers a collection of albums featuring soothing lullaby arrangements of songs made famous by well-known artists. The collection includes music from Madonna, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Billy Joel, Garth Brooks, John Mayer, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beatles, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. A Classic Soothing Lullaby Arrangements album is offered as well featuring classic tunes. Baby Blanket Music is designed to aid in the best development of babies while also pleasing the ears of parents, grandparents, family and friends. A graduate of Duke University with a major in music, Rutt, who is a children’s music teacher, composer and performer, selects popular music and arranges it with care on each Baby Blanket Music album. For more information, visit www.BabyBlanketMusic.com or call 1-260-577-BABY (260/577-2229).
Hanchell Babies Swaddle blankets and Bamboo Washcloth $99 Hanchell Babies is committed to making your life easier by providing you with a range of high quality products which you can trust time and time again. They understand you won't compromise on the needs of your baby and neither will they. They've researched, developed and commercialize leading baby products which give you peace of mind and meet your needs in the care and love of your baby. They are continuously adding new products to their line so don't miss out on all the exciting things going on! Their promise is to not sacrifice quality in the pursuit of profit and they will always use a rigorous selection criteria to either eliminate products that do not meet their standards or identify what must be done to improve the product they bring before you!
Natural Mat Top Mat $135 The Natural Mat Company was founded in 2000 in Topsham in Devon, by Mark Tremlett and Peter Tindall, who as keen sailors both became frustrated with the poor quality of synthetic mattresses found on boats. Mark and Peter decided to look for an alternative and found natural fibers to be a more superior substitute for boating. With their knowledge and expertise they quickly developed a business making mattresses for yachts and motor boats. With the arrival of Mark’s first child, they quickly identified a need for a natural offering for babies. With a mission to develop the perfect natural sleeping environment for babies and children, Mark and Peter set to work to create a range of pure natural fiber mattresses. After nine months, they were proud to launch the first range of natural baby mattresses. The handmade range includes organic coir, natural latex and mohair mattresses from cribs through to children’s beds. Each mattress provides parents with the peace of mind that babies will have a safe and restful night sleep on the highest quality natural fibers available today. Natural Mat manufactures and distributes mattresses around the world from its base in Topsham, Devon.
Lalabye Baby Cloth Diapers Baby Gift Card $25 These diapers are one size pocket diaper designed to be used from newborn through potty training! Using 100% Natural Bamboo Fibers and TPU (waterproof fabric) Lalabye baby’s diapers are among the best. These diapers are designed in the USA and manufactured overseas. They are custom created and designed with your baby in mind. I have to warn you though, these diapers are addictive and have a huge fan following, so be ready to fall in love with Lalabye baby's amazing diapers!
Grandma El's Diaper Rash Cream $10.45 Grandma El's Diaper Rash Ointment is a pediatrician recommended healing ointment. Used as directed with every diaper change it will help to prevent, protect and heal diaper rash. The fragrance-free ointment soothes baby's most sensitive skin while keeping it protected. It is absolutely the most effective diaper rash treatment product available today. Grandma El's helps to reduce the redness, pain, itching, and irritation associated with diaper rash. It creates a breathable, softening protective barrier which prevents wetness from coming to contact with the skin, thereby keeping your baby comfortable. An application of Grandma El's will help protect your baby keeping them comfortable while sleeping, playing, and exploring. Use Grandma El's with your next diaper change. Grandma El’s has shown positive effects in helping with the following: Eczema, Heat Rash, Minor Burns, cuts, and scrapes, Sun Burn, Cradle Cap, Cracked Heels, Chapped Lips and Cheeks, Post-Tattoo Treatment.
Green Team Enterprises- HipPeas Craddle Cap Care kit & Brush Green Team sells eco-friendly Mom and Baby products to US Retailers. Visit www.GreenTeamDistribution.com to open an account for your store. Hip Peas is a line of fun, kid-friendly hair and skincare products that contain safe and natural ingredients. What’s more, these products are effective.
Grovia AIO Newborn Diaper $15.95 Grovia Newborn AIO Cloth Diapers were designed to specifically meet the needs of newborn babies. A trim fit, soft materials, and easy use make these our top-selling diapers for the tiniest bundles! They include some great features like:
- Quick-dry external soaker with 3 layers of hemp/cotton, topped with micro fleece
- Buttery soft stay dry polyester micro-fleece
Aren't these prizes amazing? Here's your chance to be one of the lucky winners! Just head below for your chance to enter to win one of 3 gift packs! This giveaway is open to US Residents only and ends on 6/21 at 11:59pm EST. Good luck!
Disclosure: All opinions are 100% mine. This giveaway is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network.All opinions and experiences are Conservamom‘s. Open to US residents only , must be 18+. Confirmed Winner(s) will be contacted by Dropprice through email and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be drawn. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor will be responsible for product fulfillment to winner(s) of the giveaway. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. For questions or to see your product featured in an Event you can contact Elia At Conservamom