Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Review - 529 Baby Semi-Custom Medium Wet Bag

    I recently purchased another great product that I felt like sharing with you guys. It came just in time, too! With my daughter going to a babysitter now that I am working again, I finally decided to give in and purchase a wet bag.
    Lately I have been trying to get better about purchasing from small businesses and companies who make their products in the good ole U.S. Someone on my Facebook page had mentioned 529 Baby, so I checked out her website and decided to give her wet bags a try.
    Not that she didn’t already have some really cute ones made and ready to ship, but I decided to get mine in a fun tie-dye print. She has many other fabrics to choose from too if you decide to go that route. I ordered a medium sized one and it is very generously sized in my opinion. We are still using pre-folds and covers for the most part and I could fit at least 2 days worth of pre-folds and 2-3 covers in it. I think that’s pretty good! I probably could have stuffed more in, but that just seemed icky to me to pack it that full. (This is my first experience with a wet bag and I’m still trying to get used to it!)
    I haven’t really had a chance to ask Myka’s babysitter how she liked it yet, but we did get to try it out on an impromptu trip to where I grew up in Indiana, which is about a 13-15 hour drive from where we live now.  Yikes, right? The thought of having to change a poopy diaper in public along with carrying around a wet bag and all that fun stuff has scared the crap out of me from the beginning, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. The wet bag came in really handy. We had no problems at all with leaks and it kept the odor in great! (Definitely a bonus on that long of a car ride with a 5 month old!)
    One of my main concerns was how it would hold up after washing it a few times, but it has exceeded my expectations! It looks just as good as the day it arrived in the mail. J
    There are a few other nice things about her wet bags I would like to add, one of which are the handles. I love the snap handles! They make it easy to carry and to hang on a door nob or towel rack. If you order a semi-custom large bag you can choose between 3 different handle styles. Nifty! I also like that the PUL material on the inside is made in the U.S. She also makes kitchen and mama cloth wet bags, pail liners, toddler bibs, and produce bags. Last, but not least, she even included two 10% off coupon codes for my next purchase. It was also nice that the care instructions were printed on the coupon as well.
    So, if you’re in the market for a wet bag in the near future, I highly recommend 529 Baby! Affordable prices for quality products made here right in the U.S.!

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