Monday, January 8, 2018

Best of Our 2017 Christmas Toys

            Hey folks! Now that the holidays are over, I thought it might be fun to share with you what toys were hits with our kids so far. (Plus, I have to admit I'm slacking on having blog posts ready AND have been working on getting our YouTube channel up and running again, so I thought this one would be fairly easy to put together at the last minute, to be honest.) I think we can all agree, it can be kind of a crapshoot when it comes to getting toys for children, even our own. It's happened more than once for us, at least, that we have gotten Myka something we thought she would love and she wasn't really all that into it.
             Anyways, here are the top items our girls have been into so far. Hopefully this gives you some ideas to save for next holiday season or for birthdays this year. :)

(As usual, I apologize for the blurry pics. It's especially hard with the little one!)

melissa and doug latches barn
Latches Barn

One of my aunts got this for Ripley (2) and she's been pretty obsessed with it. She does, of course, need help with some of the latches, but she likes wallering all over the couch with it and putting her animals “to bed” and locking it back up. ;)

play tool bench for kids
Play Tool Bench

This is probably the biggest hit of everything. Myka (5) and Ripley both enjoy playing with it. It came with a lot more stuff than we realized, which is even better since we got it on sale from Rural King. It came with a battery operated drill, which is their favorite, naturally, a wrench, hammer, gears, nails, screws, and some other things I'm probably forgetting.

alphabet and number magnets
Alphabet & Number Magnets

I got these for super cheap at Walmart. ($5, I think.) I like them because they have big magnets on the back that I don't have to worry about anyone choking on if they fall out like our other (even cheaper) ones. Plus, they have pictures to coordinate with their letter or number as well. Ripley likes playing with them more than I thought she would.

Speaking of letters and numbers, I also bought a foam set for the bathtub for cheap at Walmart, so we've been squeezing in some learning there too. ;)

kids loom
Kids Loom

My mom got this for Myka and honestly, I was afraid she would get frustrated with it 1) Just knowing how she is personally and 2) It's for ages 6 and up and she is only 5. BUT, she was actually really into it and caught on quickly! She's only worked on it a few times, which is a whole other story for another post, but Myka actually got quite a bit more done than I thought she would! (More than what you see in this picture. ;) )

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Cuttable Play Food

Both of the kids have played quite a bit with their “new” play kitchen that we confiscated from my parents house. They especially like pretending to cut things, so getting this set was a no-brainer. Ripley has some trouble and needs help, but that's to be expected. Admittedly, some of them are kind of hard to do!

What were your kids favorite gifts from this holiday season?

This Is How We Roll Thursday Party


  1. Love these ideas for next year! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Hi, what fab gifts to aid with learning. Love the idea of the loom #FabFridayPost

  3. Great ideas! We are big fans of the magnetic alphabet and numbers too. #fabfridaylinky
