Hey folks! As some of you may have
heard, Baby Starfish finally arrived! Ripley Mae was born via
unmedicated VBAC Friday, January 15, 2016 at 10:35pm. (The day after
my birthday!) She weighed in at 8lbs 15oz and was 19 ¼ in. long. I
love a good birth story plus, I'm hoping to inspire/encourage some
moms out there who may be thinking about or planning a VBAC so,
without further ado, I give you Ripley's birth story!

Being the antsy (in this case, read:
worry-wort) person that I am and wanting desperately to avoid a
repeat c-section, I had been doing some things at home to hopefully
help get my body ready for birth after my 36 week appointment. (That
was the only time I got checked and was barely 1cm and 50% effaced.)
I got an exercise ball and did that a fair amount, continued my
prenatal yoga, started drinking more red raspberry leaf tea, did
“naughty things” a few times, yard work and walks, when able, and
I'm sure there are more things I'm forgetting. Pretty much everything
but eating certain foods. (Although I did start eating my beloved
curry rice again. Yum!)
Naturally, since my body hates me, it
was like the more/longer I continued doing some of those “natural
labor inducing remedies”, the more it felt like it wasn't working.
In other words, even the fake, Braxton Hicks contractions stopped.
The Monday and Tuesday before I had Ripley, Myka and I stayed with my
parents because 1) My mom was driving me nuts about worrying I would
go into labor while my husband was at work (It's about an hour to his
work and we live in the boonies. Lol) and 2) I was getting really
bored being at home more often than I'm used to. Since nothing seemed
to be working, I decided to resign myself to relaxing because I have
also heard the more relaxed you are, the more likely you are to go
into labor.
So, I was lazy and sat around the
whole time we were there. My due date came and went on that Tuesday,
January 12th. No surprise there. We headed home Wednesday
and I noticed I was feeling a lot crampier “down there” than
usual on the way home. I'd been having minor cramps on and off for
about a month. I assumed it was just my cervix doing it's thing to
get ready. I couldn't help but get my hopes up a little that day
since it was noticeably more...uncomfortable?
I woke up Thursday, January 14th,
which happened to be my birthday, and was disappointed that the
cramping had gone away. I was a hot mess that day, especially after
going to my doctor's appointment. My fluid level was borderline high
at the growth scan the week before, so the doctor scheduled another
“fluid check” and non-stress test for the following Tuesday. I
was a hot mess when I got home. I was so tired of being pregnant,
worrying about Ripley coming on her own, and really, REALLY tired of
doctors and what I felt unnecessary interventions/tests/screenings.
I slept like crap that night, even
worse than usual, if that's even possible. I think I only got a few
hours of sleep between just not being able to get comfortable at all
and probably worrying too damn much. When I did wake up Friday, I
noticed the cramping was back and considerably more bothersome than
it had been even a couple of days ago. Woo hoo! Never thought I would
be so happy about period-like cramps! Lol
I had a few things I wanted to get
down around the house, so Myka “helped” me clean the toilets, put
dishes away, and a few other little things, I think. I decided to
take a bath around 2 and try to relax, especially since a certain 3
year old was too engrossed in her movie to want to get in with me.
Lol I was kind of glad she ended up changing her mind and got in
anyways after a bit because I could not get comfortable with the
cramps. It felt like I was actually starting to have contractions, so
I downloaded a contraction app on my phone. They were only coming
about every 30 minutes, so I wasn't too concerned.

After we both got done in the
bath/shower, I made Myka lay down around 3:30 to take a nap. I put a
movie in, sat down, and literally 10 minutes later started having
stronger, regular contractions. Much to my surprise, I had 3 within a
little less than 30 minutes, but I continued timing them for a whole
hour. Again much to my surprise, they were already about 6-8 minutes
apart. Since the doctor said to call if they were between 5 and 10
minutes apart, I called my husband, who had just gotten off work, and
told him to skip stopping at the grocery store on the way home just
to be safe. I also let my mom know that she would probably have to
meet us at the hospital to get Myka that night instead of meeting
Saturday like we had planned! Lol
I tried to finish gathering up all of
the last minute things we would need for the hospital while I waited
for John to get home. Not gonna lie: I was freaking out a little bit
because I hadn't expected everything to happen so fast! Luckily, he
got home a little faster than usual, we had to wake poor Myka up, who
was sick and hadn't had a good nap because of all the coughing, and
left for the hospital around 6:20pm. I had been reading WAY too much
on the Babycenter Community and this whole time I was still worried
that I was over-reacting and wasn't in real labor...until right
before we left I used the bathroom and saw that I was losing my
mucous plug. I told John, “I guess I'm not crazy after all.” lol
Our hospital is also over an hour
away, so I was kind of surprised we got there faster than usual
considering it was misty and people were driving like they had never
driven when it's wet out before. You know. My mom got there a few
minutes before us, so we sent Myka on her merry way and got inside
around 7:20pm. On the way, my contractions had gotten to be closer to
5 minutes apart. By the time they finally checked me in triage I was
dilated to 4/5cm.
Probably about an hour later when they
checked me in my room I was at a 6. Probably another hour, give or
take, later I was at 8. At some point during this nonsense I agreed
to have my water broken because the doctor “didn't want my labor to
stall”. HA! I knew that wasn't going to happen, but I had heard
some people say the pain of contractions isn't as bad afterwards.
Also false...At least for me.
Anyhow, the last time they checked me
they said I was at 9/10...and my body promptly started pushing as
soon as she was done checking me! It kind of freaked me out,
actually, because, well, I wasn't expecting it and wasn't really sure
what to expect since I had an epidural with Myka while pushing and
didn't really feel the urge to push with her, even though I did so
for over 3 hours. Oh yah. Did I mention I had absolutely no pain
medicine? Yes, I actually planned on skipping it because I'm crazy.
Do I recommend skipping the epidural or spinal block? Ask me again
All in all, I think I pushed for
roughly half an hour. It didn't even feel that long because
everything happened so fast. In fact, silly me, was all prepared this
time around and had burned some music onto cd's, brought the exercise
ball, a back massager, and had not one but TWO birth plans made out:
a short version and long one. All that stayed in the car and never
made it's way inside the hospital until after the fact. Anyways, back
to the gritty stuff...
Like I said, my body was literally
doing the whole pushing thing on its own. I had nothing to do with
it. I told John when he said something later about not having the
epidural so my body could feel the cues to push that, “I didn't
have the cue to push. My body was doing it whether I wanted to or
not. I felt like I was possessed.” lol I probably sounded possessed
too...or at least like a wild animal. I sure felt like it. Lol
I finally got to a point between
contractions to where I tried sitting up to see if that would help
with the pain, even though I was already pushing. When I had my next
contraction I promptly shook my head and laid back down because there
was a lot of pressure down there. After a few more pushes I could
feel her head working its way down. For whatever reason, they
couldn't find my on-call doctor even though I had already seen him,
so they had to page another one from a different practice who was
also there to come in. Her head was already partially, if not all the
way, out by the time he got in the room. They told me to stop pushing
for a second at one point. Ha! Again, I told John I totally understood
the women now who said they couldn't stop pushing. You really can't.
It's out of your control.
Anyways, after 2 or 3 more pushes she
was out! The whole thing was totally crazy! She did swallow a little
bit of meconium, but other than that the whole experience was pretty
much everything I had hoped for...and having a healthy baby too, of
course. :) They didn't have to spend too much time getting the yucky
stuff out of her stomach and lungs, and they promptly gave her to me
when they were done. Oh. She came out so fast too that I ended up
with a partial 3rd degree tear, but it honestly hasn't
bothered me that much, especially from what I have heard from other
people who have had tears.
Ripley left, Myka right
I am still in awe/shock of how quickly
it all went. I was afraid I wouldn't know when I was in labor for
sure and that it would be super slow since I didn't have pitocin this
time. Boy was I wrong! I only labored for 7 hours altogether! (It's
probably a good thing too, otherwise I might have changed my mind
about the drugs. ;) Not going to lie: I asked my husband a few times
at the hospital why I thought it was a good idea to go without. Lol)
I also can't get over how much of a
better experience it was than Myka's birth, mostly due to hospital
policy and staff. I had to constantly ask for her to be in my room.
They actually encouraged people to keep their baby's in their rooms
as much as possible where I had Ripley, which I did except one night
where I only had the nurse bring her in for nursing. (I didn't sleep
at all the night after I had her or any during the day. I really
needed the rest.) I wasn't allowed to walk around the halls at all
with Myka or put our clothes on her. I got to do both with Ripley.
The staff at the hospital here were
WONDERFUL about encouraging breastfeeding. Besides having an actual
breastfeeding consultant, the nurses helped as much as possible too.
They didn't even have a consultant in Arkansas and the lady who did
try to “help” basically said, “just keep trying this or this”
and that was it, basically shrugging her shoulders and walking away.
The lady here spent a good half an hour with us, I believe. She even
gave me some goodies to help Ripley latch on because my nipples are
kind of uncooperative, surprise, surprise.
Even though I have the tear, I didn't
opt for any narcotics afterwards because I really didn't feel like I
needed them. So, by the next day I didn't even have to have the line
in for an IV any more, which I was happy about. I loved being able to
get up and about sooner and not being hooked up to a bunch of stuff.
I think the nurses thought I was crazy, though, because I didn't even
want the naproxen half the time they offered it. I kept telling them
as long as I didn't sit too long the tear didn't bother me. Lol We
were watching a bunch of X-Men movies the other day and I told John
that maybe I am part Wolverine and just heal really fast. Lol

As long as this is, I feel like I'm
forgetting some things I wanted to mention because I am already sleep
deprived. Lol I am just so glad I got to experience at least one
natural birth because I have always wanted to and this may or may not
be our last baby after all. ;) I was actually kind of gloating
afterward. I even looked at my husband a few times and said, “I did
it!” (Please don't feel like I'm belittling you or something either
if you have had a c-section or have never had a vaginal birth. Like I
said, I had a c-section with my first daughter. Sometimes you gotta
do what you gotta do!)
Oh. Speaking of gloating...The doctor
who happened to be on call the weekend I had Ripley? The same one who
felt the need to mention it to me two appointments in a row that I
had the least likely chance of success for a VBAC according to my
“previous birth scenario”. :P Stick that in your pipe and smoke
If you've stuck around this long,
thanks so much for reading till the end. I'd love to hear your birth
stories as well in the comments or even an email! Stay tuned for a
new baby update “segment” coming soon called “Life With a
Newborn” where I'll be brutally honest about how things are going
physically, mentally, and emotionally for me with a new baby AND an
active 3 year old!