Monday, March 30, 2015
Trials and Tribulations: Making a Homestead Part 2
Wow! What a week it has been on the house hunting adventure! Things got even more ridiculous this week, if you can imagine that. Let's start at the beginning...
Monday, we did something we never do: We went to see a house that had no pictures of it online. But, it sounded like it would be right up our alley from the description, so we gave it a chance. Lo and behold, we liked it so much we decided to put an offer on it...and it quickly became clear that the listing agent seemed to have ulterior motives.
Our realtor (who has been FANTASTIC) showed us his and her email correspondences after we had put the bid in and had it declined and let's just say, it pretty much confirmed our suspicions. I'm willing to bet she was trying to keep all of the commission to herself, especially since the property was super cheap. Our realtor requested an official decline of offer (or whatever it's called) and she did finally send it to him, but I would not be surprised at all if she forged it after the other shenanigans she pulled. Call me paranoid, but I don't trust people...Especially female realtors now. She is the fourth one we've been burnt on, so can you really blame me? (I'm sure they're not all bad...just the ones we've had the misfortune of working with. :/)
Saturday, we decided to take a look at an REO home, which I don't think we've ever looked at any bank owned homes before either. It's been a week of firsts! However, that turned out to be a giant waste of time too. Literallly, because it takes us about 2 hours one way to get to the area where we've been looking at houses at. :/ This one would have been perfect too as far as the land and the house...but there was 6 inches of standing water in the finished basement from what John was assuming the sump pump not running because they have the power shut off. Not only that, but there was mold down there, of course, and there was also moisture issues upstairs on the main level: the walls were sweating, the wood floors were wet, and there was mold around the window sills as well. *sigh*
So, onwards to another property today (writing this on Sunday). It's a little more than we would like to spend on a house, so I'm almost afraid we will like it and the owners won't want to come down on the price much, as silly as that sounds. lol I usually love looking at houses, but again, at this point I'm just ready to be done with house hunting and move on with life!
Fe Fit Women's Workout Program Giveaway
Who's ready to lose weight, get in shape and feel great?
Then you are in luck! The great ladies at Fé Fit are giving one lucky winner the chance win a Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program that includes 8 DVDs with 28 awesome workouts and several tools and resources to help you stay on track! Plus, save 20% with the promo code listed below!
Sponsored by Fé Fit
Coordinated by Social Exposure PR
Hosted by So Simply Stephanie
ARV $199
Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program
The Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program consists of 8 upbeat DVDs to help women lose wight, tone the body and feel great. Even women who couldn't shed baby weight before, found that they were able to lose fat and create a feminine tone with the Fé Fit 13-week program!
These fun, convenient workouts are made of 7 fitness genres that include 28 different workouts to create muscle confusion by constantly mixing up your routine to keep your metabolism blazing.
The Fé Fit 90-Day Workout Program is great for women regardless of their age. From early 20's to women over 50, these workouts are perfect! Strength training adds a nice shape and raises your basal metabolism to burn more calories even while you rest. The flexibility and core exercises improve posture and stability while the isometrics workouts contract specific muscles to tone and target legs, glutes and other areas.
28 videos and 7 fitness genres with modifications
•Total Body Toning: High-intensity strength training that hits every set of muscles
•Lower Body: Targeted exercises for toned legs and a firm, round butt
•Upper Body: Arm, back, chest, and shoulder workouts for a balanced shape and confident posture
•Cardio Circuits: Fat-melting, vigorous interval cardio sessions that improve endurance
•Barre: Isolated exercises that contract specific muscle groups for targeted toning
•Stretch Flow: Our version of yoga for flexibility while building strength
•Core: Build strength from your core while creating a flat and sexy stomach
5 FREE flexible 90-Day calendars with Fé Fit workouts to keep you on track
•3 times per week
•4 times per week
•5 times per week
•6-Week weight loss calendar
•6-Week tone and strengthen calendar
Stay Accountable
•Progress-tracking stickers
•Measurement chart for updating body changes
•Strength and Aerobic test tracker for measuring improvement
•Healthy lifestyle tips
Be sure to check out So Simply Stephanie's Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout DVD Program Review to see what she thought about it!
Where to Buy?
The Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout DVD Program is available online at
Plus, SAVE 20% when you purchase from and use
PROMO CODE: 9momblog20 at checkout!
{Promo code is only good for the site as there is currently a huge sale on Amazon as well!}
Giveaway Time!
Ready to win a Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program so that you can start losing?
Here's your chance! To enter, simply complete the entries on the Giveaway Tool below.
Giveaway Ends April 21st, 2015 CST
By entering this giveaway you agree to the Terms & Conditions Listed on the Giveaway Tool.
Open to US Residents only. Must be of legal age to enter. Void where prohibited. Winner will be contacted via email and have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
The participating blogs did not receive compensation for hosting this giveaway and are not responsible for prize shipment. Fé Fit will be responsible for shipping the prize.
Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and other social media sites are not affiliate with this giveaway in anyway.
Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and other social media sites are not affiliate with this giveaway in anyway.
Good Luck!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Useful "Weeds"
Now that spring is here, it won't be long before weeds start popping up. However, did you know that most weeds are actually herbs and can be quite useful? It's true! You probably have some in your own yard and didn't even know it!
Chickweed has become one of my favorite "weeds" over the past couple of years. That was around the time that I decided to try making some herbal salves and let me tell ya, they really do work! As far as beneficial properties, chickweed is good for healing minor burns and other skin irritations, such as rashes, insect bites, and is even reported to help with skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis! Parts of chickweed can also be eaten in salads and works as a diuretic as well. Chickweed looks more like a ground cover than a traditional "weed".
Plantain (broad leaf)
Plantain is another one of my favorites. No, not the tiny bananas. See the picture above? Look familiar? Chances are you probably get these popping up in your yard all the time too during the spring and summer, in either the broad leaf or narrow leaf varieties. Or maybe both!
The properties of plantain are very similar to chickweed, as it is good for helping with insect bites, cuts, and rashes. It has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can mash it up and apply it directly to wounds/bug bites as a poultice or make it into a salve as well. (Salves are super easy to make, by the way. Plus, I used the plantain one I made on cuts/scratches on both me and Myka and I swear they healed at least twice as fast as using antibiotic cream.) You can also eat plantain leaves as a salad and it is purportedly similar to spinach, but, despite my love for spinach salad, I have not gotten adventurous enough to try it for myself!
There are tons of other useful weeds out there, but let's go ahead and end with dandelions. Ah yes, the despised dandelion. How could those possible have any use, right? As with the previous two "weeds", dandelions can also be used as salad greens and dandelion tea has become increasingly popular recently. Dandelion tea contains several vitamins and minerals and makes a good liver detoxifying tea. Dandelion is also reported to help with gastrointestinal upsets, anemia, serve as a blood cleanser, and much more!
Original chickweed picture:,_chickweed.jpg by Ursus sapien under this license.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Budget-Friendly Easter Basket Ideas
Hey folks! It's hard to believe that Easter is less than two weeks away, isn't it? I have to confess that, aside from Halloween, Easter is the one holiday I have always enjoyed (and still do!) the commercialism side of. I always loved waking up to see what treats the Easter Bunny brought, coloring eggs, going on egg hunts, and the whole nine yards. While we did attempt some Easter egg hunts last year, this is the first year we are actually putting together a goody basket for Myka. However, I still didn't want to go too overboard, so I thought I would share some ideas on where to find cheap Easter basket fillers!
First of all, we got all of ours at Target, mostly from the "$5 and under bins" upfront. (Not sure if they have an actual name for that area, but you know what I'm talking about if you've ever been to Target!) My husband, being the sucker that he is sometimes, did splurge some and got her a cheap remote controlled car, which was the most expensive thing we bought at $8.99. It was supposed to be a surprise, but we were not quick enough putting the bags away when we got home, so needless to say we've already played with it. lol :/ Everything else, though, was literally a dollar: the plastic Easter grass, squishy rabbits, toy cars, bubbles, spinning tops, pinwheel, and growing kits. (Although we did buy like seven of those grow kits and they are more for us than Myka. lol)
Both the Dollar Tree and Dollar General also have some fun items for kids for cheap. (The Dollar Tree is the one where literally everything is $1!) I've not been to one since we've moved back, but I used to love shopping at the Dollar Tree for seasonal items to use for decoration or in sensory bins for Myka when we still lived in Arkansas. We've also recently bought some things for Myka at Dollar General just because. I got a Mickey Mouse (and friends) activity book with stickers for $1 and John bought several good kids movies, including Cars and How to Train Your Dragon, there for $3.95 each! They are previously viewed movies, but we have not had any issues with them so far.
Where do you like to shop for Easter goodies on a budget? What are your children's favorite treats?
Rock N Learn Giveaway
"Rock N Learn"
Board Books and DVD's
Hosted by CT Coupon Crazy Mommy
Co-hosted by Everything Home Life
and Michigan Saving and More
These preschool learning book and video sets work great together. Children can watch the DVDs at home or in the car. Books can be tossed in overnight bags and diaper bags for learning while away from home. See the complete review here.
How would you like to try your hand at a little luck in the giveaway? One winner will receive a Prize Pack of both Rock N Learn board book and DVD sets! Enter below and Good Luck! Giveaway is open to US residents, ages 18+. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway ends March 30, 2015 at 11:59pm EST. Disclosure: The above item was received in order to facilitate review. I have not been compensated for this post. The Coupon Crazy Mommy blog will always provide honest opinions, beliefs or experiences on products reviewed. We will only recommend products or services that we feel are of benefit to our readers. Coupon Crazy Mommy is not responsible for prize fulfillment; sponsor will be responsible for prize fulfillment. This event is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network. If you have any questions, please contact me couponcrazymomblog {at} gmail {dot} com. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Trials and Tribulations: Making a Homestead
Hey folks! As some of you may have read recently, we have started house hunting again. While technically our lease runs up at the end of the month, we were lucky enough to be able to set it up to where we can pay on a month to month basis afterwards if needed. As much as we'd like to get out of this apartment as soon as possible, we've not had much luck finding a house so far.
A large part of this is due to the fact that we are still trying to sell our house in Arkansas, therefore have some pretty restricting stipulations when it comes to buying another house if we do so before we sell the old one. Clear as mud, right? With the type of loan we would have to get, we would basically be restricted to "stick built houses", no manufactured homes...Which is all fine and dandy, but the vast majority of homes we find in the price range we're looking at and the area we like are manufactured houses. Oh. And did I mention we're looking for a place with at least 5 acres?
We did find a place we really liked, but evidently the housing market is "hot" right now in the area we've been looking, so someone else already put a bid on it...and we're still waiting for our pre-approval again as far as I know. (We got pre-approved in the fall of last year as well when we were looking then.) Pretty much every house we've wanted to see since that one has gotten an offer on it before we even had the chance to look at it. So, we're taking a little break from house hunting because it is just depressing and bumming us out.
With all of that being said, I thought I would start a little series of sorts on our journey to finding our future farm/homestead/whatever you want to call it. It's off to a rocky start, but we try to take setbacks like this as a sign that perhaps that's not the right place for us and we need to be patient and wait for the right one to come along. After all, buying a house is a big deal, especially when you plan on it being your "forever home"! :)
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Blogger Opp: Fe Fit Workout Program Giveaway
Summer is almost here and that means Swimsuit Season! Now, you can help your readers get ready to strut their stuff with the Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program with 28 Videos Under 30 Minutes: The Best Workout DVDs for Women to Flatten Abs, Firm and Tighten Glutes, and Get Rid of Arm Jiggle! ARV $199!
So Simply Stephanie is hosting the Fé Fit Women's 13-Week, 90-Day Workout Program Giveaway and you are invited to participate! This giveaway include paid and free signup options with 10 co-host slots available.
This giveaway will run March 30th through April 21st, 2015.
Sign ups end March 27th so sign up now!
Co-Hosts spots are available for $10.
With only 10 slots available these will fill up fast!
Co-Hosts Will Receive:
- Link to their blog on the main HTML
- Up to 5 links on the Giveaway Tool:
Facebook Visit
Twitter Follow
Pinterest Follow
Pin It Option
Email Subscribe
- Optional free 6th link with announcement post (see below for announcement HTML)
Co-Host Sign Up HERE
Free Option:
Bloggers can receive a free link on the Giveaway Tool for posting the giveaway announcement on their blogs. Free options include your choice of ONE of the following links:
Facebook Visit
Twitter Follow
Pinterest Follow
Free Option Bloggers Sign Up HERE
Find the Announcement HTML HERE
If you have any questions please feel free to email Stephanie at .
BRANDS: If you would like to have your product featured on So Simply Stephanie with a review, sponsored post or group giveaway please contact Stephanie at
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Workin' Out and Stickin' To It!
Hey folks! Sorry I've not been writing much lately, but I hope you've at least been enjoying the giveaways! Things have been a bit stressful around here and I think that's the main reason I've not felt like writing: Just too much on my mind. But, I thought I would share with you how excited I am that I've actually stuck to a workout routine recently!
As I've mentioned a billion times before, it seems, I've struggled with my weight for a long time. As far as food, it's not so much that I eat too much, I just have a bad habit of eating a lot of not so healthy snacks. As far as exercise, I much prefer doing things outdoors, like hiking, and needless to say, that has been difficult since moving back to Indiana, especially this winter! I'm used to still being able to go fishing, and hiking, and go on walks during the winter since we had been living in Arkansas for the past 4 years!
Anyways, I finally got fed up enough about my weight to start working out to a Spark People workout dvd. And surprisingly, I've actually stuck to it for 2 1/2 weeks now. While I would still much rather be outdoors doing something, I like that there is a schedule you can follow and it's a different segment each time you workout, not the same thing over and over. There are 4 or 5 different workout routines that alternate, so you never get bored and, as the dvd says, "keeps your body guessing". Hooray for not getting bored!
I finally bought some more hand weights the other day too since they are incorporated in the workouts sometimes. I have some...but they are in the storage unit God knows where. It's not like they're all that expensive, so I figured why not. For playing tennis in high school and picking up a toddler regularly now, it's amazing how little upper body strength I have. lol
I've been trying to eat better too, though I'm still definitely not perfect. No kale chips for me, thank you! I have been drinking a smoothie about every day and eating spinach salads more. (Using spinach instead of lettuce or romaine is the only way I'll eat a salad. Am I weird or what?!) I've gotten a lot better over the past few months about actually cooking dinner instead of eating frozen stuff, sandwiches, etc. I'm starting to not hate cooking so much. ;)
So, what is your favorite way to lose weight or keep in shape? Do you go to the gym or prefer to do things in the privacy of your own home? Either way, feel the burn!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Update: S.A.D., BBT Charting, & More
Starting from top left going clockwise: Playing Crazy 8's, last month's BBT chart, a random picture of a place in the country to go along with my house hunting discussion, and a score of awesome movies I got from Goodwill for super cheap!
Hey folks! There has been a lot going on for us and it's been awhile since I've done an update. I've had a lot on my mind lately, maybe too much, and I just haven't felt like writing about it until now. Maybe it's because a certain family member sent me over the edge yesterday and now I feel like venting. lol
We just started looking at houses again yesterday. The second one we saw we really like. Enough that we are seriously considering making an offer on it if everything goes through after my husband meets with the loan officer at work again. The place is 89.9k for a 2 bedroom house on 10 acres. It's the deal of a lifetime for us. The only catch? It's quite a long drive for my husband to and from work.
A lot of the places we've been looking at online are about the same driving distance. I've asked John repeatedly if he's sure he wants to drive that far to work. (Because I sure wouldn't!) Every time he has said he wouldn't because it would be just the driving and not dealing with the traffic like he has been. (We currently live north of Indy and the houses we have been looking at are south of Indy where the traffic isn't nearly as bad getting out of the city.)
However, neither of our families are all that enthused about us moving that far away for varying reasons that I won't go into. It's not so much that I care what they think because, well, it's our life, right? But I can't say it's not disappointing that they can't at least pretend to be happy for us and just support us. Isn't that what family is supposed to do? I didn't like or understand my brother's decision to join the Army last year, but I still supported him. *sigh* It's bringing me down and I already have a hard enough time staying positive and in a good mood this time of year.
Speaking of which, I'm still going strong with the ole natural remedies for my seasonal affective disorder. I was going to start drinking the tea made from the St.John's Wort herbs that my husband got for me, but quite frankly, it tastes terrible. So I'm thinking about making my own tincture out of them soon. Instead, I've gone back to using the SJW essence in my water at least twice a day and am still taking my Vitamin D3. While I still feel better than I do without taking either, I have to admit that the I'm Sad tincture I recently reviewed from Boline Apothecary seems to help a lot. Definitely need to order more soon!
I'm still doing the whole basal body temperature charting thing too. I'm not really sure that I've learned all that much from it...Other than I'm pretty sure I didn't ovulate at all last month and I feel like my temperatures fluctuate more than they should. Oh well. I'll keep at it and if nothing else I'll have something to show the doctor (or midwife) the next time I go.
I just started working out again this week. Sadly, I'm pretty proud of myself because I've done the dvd I'm using 3 times this week so far since I'm trying to follow the schedule it gives. Yes, that's good for me. I've been trying to eat somewhat better too. Or not as many snacks, anyways. ;) I need to lose weight period because I'm tired of being fat, plus it should help my lady cycles get more regular, which leads to babies, which I have total baby fever for right now! Am I the only one who's not pregnant right now?
Monday, March 2, 2015
Favorite Amazon Finds for Kids Giveaway
Welcome to the Favorite Amazon Finds for Kids Giveaway,
generously sponsored by Medi-Pals!
Last month, Thrifty Nifty Mommy introduced us to a fantastic kid-friendly medication dispenser called Medi-Pals. Available in 3 fun characters, Medi-Pals dispensers are familiar and fun for the infant, easy for the caregiver to use, and they always ensure that the child is getting the accurate dosage of medicine.
Key benefits of Medi-Pals pacifier medicine dispensers:
- They're softer than a straight syringe, and the syringe sits snugly in the nipple, so no medicine gets lost or stuck to the sides.
- They're accurate - the caregiver is in complete control of dosage.
- The diverter on the pacifier nipple fans the medicine to the sides, not straight to the back of the child's throat, so that the child won't gag and spit the medicine out.
- They're reusable, dishwasher-safe, and easy to clean.
- The pacifier and faceplate are easy to put together and take apart. You can even change faceplates!
- They work with more than just oral vitamins, pain relievers, and oral antibiotics—it can also be used with baby food or even honey. If you can get it into the syringe, it will work.
- They're made in the USA!
Thrifty Nifty Mommy recently had the chance to review the Medi-Pals medication dispensers, she's very happy with how easy they are to use and how quickly her children take their medication or vitamins. Be sure to check out her full video review of Medi-Pals to see how these dispensers work.
To celebrate the fact that Medi-Pals are now available on Amazon,
we've put together a FANTASTIC prize package of our favorite Amazon Finds for Kids
- all sponsored by the generous people at Medi-Pals -
This prize package is valued at over $500 and includes:
- (2) Medi-Pals dispensers: Your children will get to take their vitamins and medicine stress-free with Freddie the Frog and Lilly the Ladybug.
- (1) KidKraft Retro Kitchen:
- (1) Melissa & Doug Wooden Blocks Set
- (1) Step2 Deluxe Master Art Desk
- (1) Step2 Splash and Scoop Bay
- (1) $100 Amazon Gift Card
- (1) Power Wheels Quad
- (1)Vtech Chomp and Count Dino
Be sure to check out Medi-Pals on Amazon!
Open to the continental US only, ages 18 and up. Ends 3/16/15 at 11:59 PM EST.
Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below. Good Luck!
Disclosure:This is a sponsored post on behalf of Medi-Pals. The participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. One winner will be randomly selected using the Giveaway Tools random selector and notified via email by the hosts of this giveaway, Thrifty Nifty Mommy and Viva Veltoro. Once notified, the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Google. Void where prohibited.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Glasstic Water Bottle Giveaway
Glasstic Shatterproof Glass Water Bottle
Hosted by : CT Coupon Crazy Mommy
Co-hosted by: Michigan Saving and More 

We are ALL about reusing as many things as possible in our home. I would love to get my hands on some of these! Just think how many water bottles you would be saving too!-MBM
CT Coupon Crazy Mommy was recently introduced to these amazing glass water bottles. You can see her complete review here. Here are a few great points about these wonderful water bottles:
- Wide Mouth Glass Water Bottle - Great for adding Essential Oils or Super Food Powders.
- Leak Proof Flip Cap Lid with Handle and Lock - All lids are interchangeable. No more spills!
- BPA-Free, Lead Free, Cadmium Free, Toxin-Free - A worry free glass water bottle product.
- Easy to Wash and Clean - The glass water bottle insert and bpa free plastic pieces clean easily in the dishwasher or by hand.
- Durable and Shatterproof - You can comfortably take it anywhere - It's a worry free, toxin-free, shatterproof glass water bottle.
Pure Glass Insert
Your Glasstic Shatterproof Glass Water Bottle can be used for years to come and encourages REUSE!
Want to take a chance in winning a set of 3 Glasstic Water Bottles? Enter below for a chance to choose 3 of your own! Giveaway is open to US residents, ages 18+. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway ends Maarch 15, 2015 at 11:59pm EST.
Disclosure: The above item was received in order to facilitate review. I have not been compensated for this post. The Coupon Crazy Mommy blog will always provide honest opinions, beliefs or experiences on products reviewed. We will only recommend products or services that we feel are of benefit to our readers. Coupon Crazy Mommy is not responsible for prize fulfillment; sponsor will be responsible for prize fulfillment. This event is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network. If you have any questions, please contact me couponcrazymomblog {at} gmail {dot} com. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.