Monday, December 4, 2017

Pregnancy Journal #8: Why We're NOT Finding Out the Gender

             Hey folks! We have had mixed reactions about us not wanting to find out the gender of this baby until it's born...Many of which are (impatient) family and friends who think we're crazy for wanting to wait! So I figured why not discuss this in a post!
             To be totally honest, our initial reason for not wanting to find out was because we are both scared to death we will wind up with three girls. The thought of teenage years and puberty is frightening. My husband and I hate drama. It's already going to be rough with two girls, I'm sure.
             Not that this baby was an “accident” and not that we didn't realize there is the very real possibility of having another girl, but I would be lying if I said we both weren't really hoping for a boy. I think I have (mostly) finally come to terms with the possibility of having three girls, but one of my biggest worries still is disappointment. That is another big reason we don't want to find out. I don't want to be one of those extremists who really wanted one gender or the other and are so upset that it's not that they don't even care about having the baby any more. I don't think I could ever be that upset, but I still don't want to feel disappointed ahead of time and possibly resent the baby for a short time while I “get over it”. I would feel bad.
             A lot of people don't understand/agree with my theory on waiting to avoid the disappointment. “Wouldn't you rather know ahead of time so you can get over the initial disappointment?” No, and I'll tell you why. My theory, simply, is that after labor and finally getting the baby out, I won't care what gender it is. I'll just be happy it's over with and the baby is here safe and healthy, regardless of gender.
             Finally, this is DEFINITELY our last baby...Why not make it a surprise?! I never thought I would be one of those people who would want to or be able to wait until birth to find out the gender, but here I am. We found out the gender and announced her name ahead of time with our first. We only revealed the gender with our second. Why not leave everything a surprise for this one? Besides being the ultimate surprise for us, I get a sick sense of pleasure from tormenting my family and not letting them know. :D It's very entertaining!

Did you find out what gender you were having before birth or did you wait? I'd love to hear your reasons for either below! :)
This Is How We Roll Thursday Party


  1. I have four kids: three are girls. Honestly, the teen years have been pretty drama-free. One of our girls is more moody and tends towards the occasional dramatic outburst, but that's a personality thing.

    We knew for our first two kids, but not the last two. I found it wasn't a big deal to know, once we'd had one of each. But whatever the reason, I think it's nobody else's business. If you want to wait, that's all that matters.

    1. Thank you! Exactly! People get so worked up over things they have no business in. ;)

  2. I found out each time. But we kept my second daughter a secret and my Nan got really angry with me. I kind of wanted to keep number 3 a surprise but my husband was desperate to find out. So we did (and had a boy). Good on you for keeping it a surprise. Sarah #FabFridayPost

    1. I'm always so surprised by how many husbands/significant others want to find out the gender more than the moms!

  3. I found out with both of ours. I just couldn't. I wanted one of each but never thought that Evelyn was going to be a girl. But if I had another - not that I would, I would definitely wait too. Like you, she/he will be our last and I want it to be a surprise for us - for everyone. I like surprises. :) Thanks for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost Exciting times! xx
