Hey folks! Have you ever heard of WaterWipes? If not, you're about to find out all about them!
WaterWipes are part of the Irish Breeze Ltd. company, which, as I'm sure you can guess, are based out of Ireland. They provide "The World's Purest Wet Wipe", according to their
site, including sensitive makeup removal wipes and
natural baby wipes. As I'm sure you can guess, we were fortunate to try out the baby
I liked everything about these wipes, so I'm not sure where to begin. Perhaps my favorite thing is that there have literally TWO ingredients in them: purified water and grapefruit seed extract. That's it! We found out quickly after Myka was born that her little bum was pretty sensitive to regular store bought wipes...Yes, even the "sensitive" and "natural" ones. We ended up making our own wipes from paper towels, baby oil, and a few other ingredients for awhile, but eventually switched to cloth wipes (aka baby wash rags) to save even more money.

Cloth wipes are cool and all and nothing beats how clean they can get your baby's bum, but let's face it: They're not exactly convenient if you're out and about or if you have to take your baby to childcare...especially if he or she happens to go #2. That was another reason I was excited to try these wipes out. I was always scared to death of Myka going #2 while out running errands and the shenanigans that would ensue using cloth wipes. Suffice it to say, my mom and aunt were also happy to use these when babysitting for the convenience factor.
Since there are no nasty chemicals in WaterWipes, these have come in handy for messy hands and faces too. We all know toddlers are messy eaters, so these especially come in handy for when we're out and about too. I like to use them on Myka's hands no matter where we are since she's not tall enough to reach the sink yet and we don't have a stool for her to stand on either to wash her hands.
That reminds me, I'm all about teaching kids autonomy. Myka has enjoyed me giving her a wipe after she eats to wipe her face or hands off with or clean her tray off if it's really messy. She actually does a really good job cleaning it off with just one wipe most of the time!
So, how do they perform compared to other wipes? Just as you would expect. They don't tear easily like some and they do "get the job done" well. I'm not sure if you're supposed to or not, but I do flush ours sometimes. (Probably not a great idea if you have a septic system.)
Needless to say, I have really enjoyed the convenience of being able to use baby wipes and not worrying about harsh chemicals on my child's skin and
causing rashes or chemical burns. (In case you're curious, here is
what is in most baby wipes.) You can find WaterWipes on Target, Walgreens, Amazon, and more websites. OR, you can use their
store locator tool. You can stay up-to-date with WaterWipes on
Facebook and
Disclaimer: I received products in order to facilitate this review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own and may differ from your own.